Tuesday, January 12, 2010



pengaruh suhu air terhadap perkembangan ikan

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 06:22 AM PST

pengaruh suhu air terhadap perkembangan ikan

suhu berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan, mulai dari telur, benih sampai ukuran dewasa. suhu air akan berpengaruh terhadap proses penetasan telur dan perkembangan telur.
suhu air yang terlalu rendah (dingin) mengakibatkan proses penetesan pada telur ikan akan menjadi lambat, untuk mempertahankan suhu supaya optimal maka pada budidaya pembenihan secara intensif sering menggunakan alat pemanas air (heater) yang biasa digunakan di akuarium atau di bak fiber. suhu air yang diperlukan untuk proses penetasan telur ikan berkisar antara
25 - 30 derajat celcius.

di alam naik turunnya suhu air sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan. perubahan suhu air yang terlalu ekstrim akan berdapat buruk terhadap ikan yang dipelihara.
akibatnya ikan menjadi stres, dan apabila ikan sudah stress maka ikan tersebut akan rentan terhadap penyakit.

suhu akan berpengaruh terhadap laju pertumbuhan ikan bila suhu terlalu rendah maka pertumbuhan ikan yang dipelihara akan lambat tumbuh, karena bila suhu rendah maka proses metabolisme ikan akan menjadi lambat dan nafsu ikan akan menurun. suhu harus tepat yaitu kisaran optimum 25 - 30 derajat celcius

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several ways to increase fish growth

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 02:41 AM PST

several ways to increase fish growth

improve fish growth means increasing the income of farming. Growth of the relatively short fish will accelerate the process of harvesting, so that the velocity of money is going fast.

ways to improve fish growth:

1. Feed

proper feeding and adequate will affect the growth process. Fish will grow if given the optimum feed appropriate to their needs, a good feed is the feed that contains complete nutrition, which is enough protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins. Nutrients that play a role in helping the process of growth of fish protein, because the protein responsible for driving growth. so as to buy food then the first thing to note is the protein content in the feed.

feeding should be enough no more and no less. When the feed was given less then the growth of fish will be slow, but if the feed given to fish, then this excess is not good, because if the feed is excessive and not eaten by fish that feed it will be rotten on the bottom, so that will reduce pond water quality, so the fish will be susceptible to disease.
adequate feeding is in accordance with the needs of feed given per day ranged from 3 - 5% of the total weight of fish being kept.

2. Water Quality

good water quality will help the growth of fish. concerning water quality parameter, temperature, pH, oxygen, brightness, ammonia.
full of pool water quality is good for fish growth are:
1. temperature from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius
2. pH 6.5 to 8.5
3. Oxygen> 4 mg / l
4. Brightness from 25 to 30 cm
5. Ammoniak (NH3) <0.01 mg / l

3. Management and handling of fish will grow well if its management and handling well done. Good management is about the way feeding, control of water quality, pest and disease control, external control of environmental factors.

4. Descendants of good fish growth is the offspring of fish that has a good, clear stem, and seed selection of fish. So when will maintain the fish we have to know the origin of the fish


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