Monday, February 15, 2010



Tips to Photographing Your Trophy Fish

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 05:26 AM PST

Tips to Photographing Your Trophy Fish
by: Tukto Lodge

When it comes to catch and release lakes, it is important for you to be ready to catch your fish, take a prize-winning shot and release your giant back into the water for others to enjoy. Before setting out on your trophy trout fishing trip with your fishing partner or guide, keep these few tips in mind.

Bring along a good, reliable camera. It doesn't matter if it is digital or 35 mm, but make sure it has an automatic focus feature. Most casual photographers don't need the pressure of adjusting settings, so an automatic camera is a good choice. In addition, for the sake of safety, it doesn't hurt if your camera is waterproof!

With catch and release fishing, the ultimate goal is to return the fish to the water quickly and gently. Touch the fish as little as possible and never touch the gills. Because you have so little time, be sure the person taking the picture is ready to go. That means the film is in the camera, the cap is off the lens and the photographer is holding the camera up to his or her eye ready to snap as you are landing that trophy!

When you are in the boat, sometimes it can be tricky but try to keep the camera even with the horizon of the water. It can be distracting if the horizon is on an odd angle. Keep the picture as uncluttered as possible. The water, sky and distinct beauty of the tundra around Tukto Lodge are background enough!

Don't forget to fill the frame. Go in and make sure you have all the elements - the subject's head and upper body and the full trophy trout. If shooting a vertical photograph try to center your subject, however if you are photographing in a horizontal manner it can add interest to place your subject slightly to one side, but only if the whole fish is included as well. (Imagine the photograph divided into thirds and place your subject on any of the "thirds lines")

Natural light provides the best photographs, and because the light is strongest during the middle of the day, it is best to take pictures in morning or late afternoon light. This sort of light gives photos richer colors and baths the photo in warm light.

Don't take a photograph with the subject's back to the sun and the photographer facing the sun. This will result in washed out skies and a dark shadowed subject that no one can see. Turn the subject to the sun or sideways to the sun. Ask them to remove their sunglasses to reduce glare. If they are wearing a hat, they should either remove it or tilt their head so that there is no shadow over the face.

At Tukto Lodge, we know you are going to be catching a lot of trophies - so we want your pictures to look great!

About The Author

Tutko Lodge is a world-class trophy fishing destination in Canada's Arctic. Our fishing camps and outposts offer the best in trophy trout and grayling action. Set in a wildlife paradise, our guests also have the opportunity to photograph migrating caribou, bald eagles, ptarmigan, peregrine falcons, muskox, white wolves, Arctic hares and even the barren land grizzly.

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The Best Way To Cook Your Freshly Caught Fish

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:19 AM PST

The Best Way To Cook Your Freshly Caught Fish
by: Travis Clemens

A freshly caught fish can be cooked in a thousand and one ways. Any fisherman worth his salt has his own unique way of cooking a freshly caught trout, salmon or whatever fish he caught. So fisherman all across the country has been handed down methods of cooking fish. Here are some tips to get the best out of your fish.


Breading and frying a freshly caught fish is as good as it gets. The smell of butter emanating from the frying pan and the flair a fisherman puts in flipping his catch is worth its weight in gold, almost. For the novice fisherman, make sure that the butter is extra hot but not yet burning. Also, make sure that the fish is well coated in batter. Season your batter to your heart's content, salt and pepper never goes wrong. You may want to try other herbs and spices with the batter for a more delicious fish.


At first glance, grilling would seem to be the easiest way to handle your fish. A newbie might assume that grilling fish is the same as grilling steaks or burgers. Unlike fowl or cattle, fish tends to secret most of its own juices when cooked. On a grill the delicious juice drips into the coals.

To prevent losing the moisture, first coat the fish with oil. The oil will seal a part of the moisture inside. Second, keep an eye on the fillets and turn them as soon as a cut would reveal that the fresh fish is cooked halfway through. After being flipped, watch the fish carefully. Remove the fish as soon as it is cooked through.

An option to basting the fish with oil is to wrap it in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will keep the moisture and marinate the fish in its own moisture. Placing herbs and spices inside the foil with the fish enhances the grilling process and the fish itself.


Baking is the best option for the fisherman who does not want to watch over the fish during cooking. The fisherman can prepare the marinade and pre-heat the oven, then pop the fish into the oven for a predetermined amount of time. You may want to check on the fish from the time to time, ensuring that you don't overcook the fish.

Whatever fish you caught, a good recipe and proper cooking will for sure enhance the catch. Take time to prepare for cooking, a badly cooked fish will no doubt spoil your day. Remember the first rule of cooking, don't overcook your fish.

About The Author

Travis Clemens is a life time fisherman and he knows the ins and outs of gettinem on the hook! You too can gettem on the hook with Travis as your guide!

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Fishing for Blue Fish

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 03:12 AM PST

Fishing for Blue Fish
by: Todd Lehr

Bluefish (Potatomus salatrix) is a tenacious saltwater fish that provides some of the best angling thrills on light tackle. They are mainly thought of as an Eastern United States fish, although they are found in most temperate waters throughout the world, except in the cooler waters of the northern Pacific.

Bluefish are schooling fish built for speed and power. They are a blue green shade along the top of the body near the dorsal fins, and have silvery sides and a whitish / silver underbelly. They have relatively large heads that feature powerful jaws and rows of very sharp teeth. Their tapered bodies end in deeply forked tails that allow them to be powerful swimmers and fighters.

The average fish weighs between 4 and 10 pounds, with any fish over 20 pounds being considered a real quality fish. The recognized IGFA record is 31 pounds, 12 ounce fish caught off the coast of North Carolina in 1972. Unconfirmed monster fish have reportedly been caught in the 40-pound range.

Population numbers of bluefish have been documented to follow cycles lasting about forty years. A recent disappearance occurred during the 1920s, and anglers are still enjoying a high for the fish which began in the 1970s. They are migratory fish, following schools of baitfish such as menhaden shad and mullet, heading north from Florida in spring, all the way to Maine by the end of the summer.

When fishing for blues, anglers should remember they are primarily schooling fish. Schools the size of football fields have been witnessed, with the fish creating a feeding frenzy of roiling water and leaping fish. Many anglers often troll for the fish, as this is one of the most consistent methods of catching bluefish. Once a fish is caught by trolling, anglers should stop the boat and throw out casts to try to locate the school. Putting a lure at the proper depth in areas where bluefish schools are hanging will usually result in large catches. Fish can often be caught on any type of fast-moving lure that resembles a baitfish, including metal spoons, jigs, and tube baits. Wooden baits are not popular because of the bluefish's powerful teeth, which will quickly destroy wooden plugs.

Casting into a school of fish requires the use of moderately heavy tackle and wire leaders. It is important that black wire leaders and swivels are used, as the fish will often strike shiny leaders, weakening and in some cases severing them. Anglers casting into a frenzied school of bluefish can often catch a fish on every cast. Therefore, it is important to retie lures and leaders often, because they will undoubtedly become frayed. The best results are found by casting along the outer edges of the school, decreasing the chances of spooking any fish, and also preventing line breakages. Feeding bluefish have been known to even attack each other; it is not uncommon for a four-pounder on the line to be cut in half by a twenty pound blue.

Bluefish can also be caught from the surf at certain times of the year. Shiny spoons such as the Hopkins brand are consistent favorites for fishing in surf due to their visibility and enticing action.

Anglers that use live or cut bait, such as eels or fish, often catch blues from the surf or from piers simply by letting the bait sit and waiting for a strike. This method can be useful when there are no apparent schools of bluefish biting.

Flyfishing for blues has become more and more popular in recent years. Many of the same techniques and lures used for striped bass can be applied to bluefish. Bluefish of course require an extra-strong leader and mostly strikes larger flies which closely resemble the most popular regional baitfish.

Fly anglers often catch blues incidentally while fishing for stripers, but some fly and light tackle anglers target blues specifically, especially when stripers are absent.

About The Author

Todd Lehr is an avid angler. He run the Fishing Advantage, a site for american anglers. He can be reached at

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Tumors in Tropical Fish

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 11:28 PM PST

Tumors in Tropical Fish
by: Nate Jamieson

Tropical fish are like other species in many respects, and that includes the fact that they have diseases or disorders that may resemble those of other animals, but are specific to the fish themselves. One good example is tumors.

Just as humans, cats or dogs may get cancer or other types of tumors, so can tropical fish. The main difference is that treatment in fish is nearly impossible, depending on the type and location of the mass. Not only are they difficult to handle where a human can have clear visual access to them, but such things as surgery are basically out of the question.

Tumors generally show themselves as a lump under or on the skin of fish. These are a distinct bump or lump, as opposed to the white fluff of skin diseases. For the most part, tumors are benign, although it's possible for one to grow so large that the fish's quality of life declines and you may have to euthanize them.

One type of tumor that does have some success with treatment, is the kind that forms under the skin of the gill, causing it to remain open. The cause of this is usually a thyroid malfunction. Remove the fish to a hospital tank, and add 1 milligram of potassium iodine for every gallon of water. Improvement can be slow, and the full course of treatment can take up to four weeks.

Internal tumors can be quite advanced before the fish shows any signs, such as a swelling of the abdomen. These cases are invariably fatal, with the rapid growth causing the fish to lose its ability to swim or eat, at which time you should consider euthanasia.

About The Author

Nate Jamieson

Love Tropical Fish? Find out how to create a beautiful, low-cost tropical fish aquarium with complimentary tips at

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ikan layang sebagai alternatif untuk meningkatkan konsumsi ikan

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 07:23 AM PST

ikan layang

ikan layang merupakan salah satu jenis ikan laut yang sering dijadikan sebagai teman nasi. Orang banyak yang menyukai ikan ini disamping rasanya enak ikan ini juga mempunyai nilai giji yang tinggi.
ikan layang diolah dan dijual di banyak pasar umum dan tradisional umumnya yang mengkonsumsi jenis ikan ini adalah kalangan menengah ke bawah, karena harga jenis ikan ini adalah relatif murah.
tingkat konsumsi ikan di negara kita masih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara di tetangga kita, oleh karena itu sangatlah cocok bila ikan layang ini dijadikan sebagai makanan yang dikonsumsi sehari-hari sebagai salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan konsumsi ikan di masyarakat.

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