Tuesday, February 16, 2010



About Water Garden

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:31 PM PST

About Water Garden
by: Daniel Roshard

Once you have decided that you want to build a water garden in your garden or back yard you will need to make bigger and crucial decisions about how the whole thing is going to look, how are you going to make sure that each element you want in your water garden will be successful and help the entire water garden environment flourish.

As everyone knows there are many different water gardens, and from my experience most people already have some idea about the general look and theme they look for, but sometimes people are not educated enough to make the choices, some times home owners discover other, unknown water gardens after they that invested a lot of their energy, efforts and money into their existing water garden.

The basic idea in planning and even designing your own water garden is to have a lot of information before you even start imagining how its going to look and how much time you will spend in your new garden. Surf the internet and look for things you like, and things that you dislike. As you start seeing more and more internet sites, articles and photos start also paying attention to costs and maintenance costs and details as well. If you do your research correctly if will be very easy for you to make the right decision once the moment for that has come.

Two very different and always gorgeous basic concepts are the western water garden which can be mostly found in Europe and consists mainly of the water pond features and a matching garden on the same space, and the oriental, meaning mostly Japanese water garden which places a lot of importance of the whole look and harmony created between the space nature and men.

Although a lot of people have a very clear idea what they want and stick with their basic feelings, sometime one is fascinated by something completely different and changes his mind, the problem in that case is that if this person did not do his research he is going to need to recalculate the costs and start looking at the space differently, this is very significant in moving from a western European approach, which basically can match itself fairly easy to the average style of building, than to switch from the oriental approach to the European one.

Both of these popular water garden designing styles are beautiful and would make anyone feel great sitting in his or hers water garden to relax and reflect on things, read a book or take a nap, meditate or spend time with the family. It is clear that people have different needs and different passions, some want a fish free garden as others are mainly interested in fish, it is obvious that it is these needs that will dictate all that follows, costs and maintenance and the level of dedication to be involved in maintaining or even enlarging your water garden.

As with all other things a research will set you on your feet before you start shopping, like that you will also start a better chance of discovering different sales techniques and you will not be easy to convince going a different direction, this research will only do good things to your future water garden.

About The Author

Daniel Roshard is an interior designer fascinated by outdoor architecture, he is currently studying public parks and outdoor design. Daniel is writing articles about home improvement and water garden at http://watergarden.zupatips.com

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Batik Ikan

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 07:35 AM PST

Batik Ikan

Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad (58) mempunyai cara tersendiri untuk menumbuhkan kecintaan masyarakat kepada laut. Salah satunya adalah lewat batik. Ia mengembangkan batik bermotifkan ikan.

Pada salah satu pakaian batik yang dikenakannya, ikan beragam jenis seperti berenang di sela-sela terumbu karang.

"Batik motif ikan (seperti ini) sangat unik," kata mantan Gubernur Gorontalo (2001-2009) ini saat berkunjung ke kantor Redaksi Kompas untuk berbicara pada diskusi "Mengoptimalkan Potensi Kelautan", Kamis (11/2).

Selain menumbuhkan kecintaan masyarakat terhadap laut, langkah ini pun dia yakini bisa merangsang para pembatik untuk membuat kreasi-kreasi baru dengan motif ikan, udang, cumi, dan beragam biota laut lain. Langkah seperti itu tentu akan semakin memperkaya motif batik yang telah ada sebelumnya di negeri ini.

Batik yang dikenakan Fadel dibuat di sentra industri batik Trusmi, Cirebon, Jawa Barat, yang juga merupakan daerah pesisir.

"Pengerjaan batiknya rapi, detail, dan harganya murah," kata lulusan Teknik Fisika Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tahun 1978 ini setengah berpromosi. Sayang, Fadel tidak menyebut berapa persisnya harga batik yang dibilangnya murah itu.... (THY)

Sumber : Kompas. 13 Februari 2010 Hal 32

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Waterless Hibernation of Fishes is Good for Business

Posted: 15 Feb 2010 07:27 AM PST

Waterless Hibernation of Fishes is Good for Business
by: Ollie Style

Boni Comandante from Dumagete City Philippines discovered how fish can hibernate from six hours to twenty four hours thus being able to transport live fish cheaply and effectively.

He discovered how fish can hibernate while in Palawan. Comandante threw a fish in an ice chest and six hours later he saw the fish in a suspended state. At that moment he knew that what he just witnessed means big bucks. But it took him fourteen years to fully develop his discovery. In 2004 he won a competition by DTI [Department of Trade and Industry] and later was able to attract local and foreign investors for his fish marketing business.

He called his technique of putting fishes in a suspended state— Buhi Technology. The fishes are preserved longer and are less stressed because of the absence of water. The tail and the fins of hibernating fishes lie flat while transporting it and then are later on revived with sea water. Another good thing about Mr. Comandante's method is that it reduces the cost of ice and water which cuts up to seventy five percent of delivery cost.

There is no need to worry about safety, the Bureau of Fishers and Aquatic Resources declared that the fishes are safe for human consumption because all the materials used are organic.

This is certainly good news for Filipino fisher folks as the demand for live fish is growing here and around the world, and with the help of Buhi technology a boom in the fishing industry might just be around the corner.

About The Author

Ollie Style is a Filipino freelance writer and Podcaster--Host of the "Ollie Style Radio Show". His Podcasts and FREE ARTICLES can be found at http://www.pinoypodcaster.tk and http://olliestyleradioshow.tk

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