Tuesday, June 8, 2010



Discus Fish

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 10:14 PM PDT

Discus Fish
by: Gendo Ikari

Discus Fish

The Discus fish is a South American Cichlid that belong to the genus Symphysodon, which currently includes three species: The common Discus fish (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), the Heckel Discus fish (Symphysodon discus) and a new species of Discus fish which has been named Symphysodon tarzoo. The Discus fish was first introduced in the 1920's and is now regarded as one of the most beautiful of all aquarium fish. While they are colorful and attractive, they are quite difficult to care for; nevertheless, their popularity continues to rise.

As the name implies, Discus fish have the typical disc-shaped body with full dorsal and anal fins reaching to the tail. The body of an adult Discus fish can reach about 8 to 10 inches in diameter. Originally, due to the environmental diversity of the vast Amazon River basin separate populations developed differential in color and markings. Discus fish breeders have greatly expanded upon this and developed new variations through selective breeding, with the colors and patterns of the Discus fish varying according to the type of species bred, habitat and diet.

Discus fish are widely found in calm parts of small, blackwater rivers, lakes and deep pools throughout the Amazon River basin. The water is usually very clean with little or no pollutants, acidic (6.0-6.5 pH), very soft (0-3 dH) and warm with a temperature of around 77-84°F (25-29°C). They are usually found in small groups around submerged decaying trees, vegetation and aquatic grasses. Discus fish are wild-caught in the Amazon River basin at night by using a strong light to mesmerize the fish, the area is then encircled with netting and slowly drawn closer, with all obstructions such as wood being removed. Some species of Discus fish are now considered endangered in some areas of the Amazon River basin.

For more information visit this Discus fish guide.

About The Author
I am a fish breeder. Visit my Cichlid breeding site to learn more. http://cichlidbreeding.net

Pool tarp media catfish hatcheries

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 06:50 PM PDT

Pool tarp media catfish hatcheries

catfish hatcheries not only done on the pool wall, but it can also be done in a pool tarp.

This catfish hatchery ponds are made of bamboo frames shaped like a bamboo frame the tub and then coated with a tarpaulin. High water at the hatchery tanks was between 15-30 cm

mechanism of hatching activity namely: eggs attached to the palm of the parent spawning spawning catfish ponds were taken and stored and then incubated in the pool / tub such sheeting. After hatching palm seeds removed and given a form of feed pellets that have been soaked in hot water. After reaching the size of catfish seeds 3-5 cm catfish can be moved to the pool or bathtub to be maintained further.

Maluku Kembangkan Konsep Gugus Pulau

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 07:59 AM PDT

Maluku Kembangkan Konsep Gugus Pulau

Provinsi Maluku merupakan daerah kepulauan karena memiliki 1.000 pulau kecil. Untuk itu, Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) Maluku memiliki dan mengembangkan konsep pembangunan gugus pulau. Konsep ini yang dulunya disusun pakar dari Universitas Pattimura (Unpatti) Ambon dan sampai saat ini pemerintah daerah masih konsisten untuk melaksanakannya.

"Kita juga telah menge-lompokan pulau-pulau menjadi tiga kategori yakni kategori pulau-pulau yang luasnya di atas 5000-an kilometer persegi (km2), dibawah 5.000 km2 dan diatas 1.000 km2 serta dibawah 1.000 km2," kata Wakil Gubernur (Wagub) Maluku Ir.Said Assagaf ketika dihubungi SP Kamis (3/6) malam.

Sementara itu, baru-baru ini di Ambon, Wakil Ketua MPR, Meilani Laimena Su-harli memprediksi di tahun 2011 mendatang Rancangan

Undang-Undang (RUU) tentang Perlakuan Khusus Provinsi Kepulauan telah menjadi Undang-Undang (UU). "Badan Legislasi telah mengusulkan RUU tentang Perlakuan Khusus Provinsi Kepulauan masuk dalam Program Legislasi Nasional (Prole-gnas) prioritas tahun 2011 sehingga akan diinisiasi oleh DPR sesuai dengan pembagian tugas yang telah disepakati dalam rapat kerja dengan pemerintah," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (P2SDKP), Aji Sularso mengatakan, pulau-pulau kecil memiliki peluang pengembangan di sektor pariwisata bahari, perikanan, perdagangan, konservasi dan tanaman nasional laut, daerah persinggahan, kawasan pertahanan dan kawasan relokasi nelayan. [156]

Sumber : Suara Pembaharuan 4 Juni 2010,hal. 14

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