Friday, May 7, 2010



predatory fish (eel)

Posted: 07 May 2010 06:55 AM PDT

predatory fish (eel)

1. Eel
Eel (eel), although it was not like fish, in truth, including economically important fish species in Indonesia. However, eels are also classified as wild fish are hooked small fish prey (seeds). Eels feared as a predator of the seeds for living fully in the water with the fish that are kept. These animals are hiding in a muddy pond or make holes in the embankments of the pond. When hungry, eel pond surface in search of food.
Eels have elongated round body and a dorsal, caudal and anal fins are only slightly visible. Despite belonging to a group of fish but the shape of his head did not look like fish gills and tutuo very small.

Eels have a body covered with very slippery mucus that many scales instead of body armor. Every now and then head to surface water to inhale oxygen. as nocturnal animals, eels actively foraging at night.

In nature, living in mud eel ponds, rice fields, marshes and at times a little or a gutter. In Indonesia, since 1979, began to be cultivated eels and one export commodity. Eel Sentra in Indonesia is the provincial IN Yogyakarta and West Java, while in other areas are shelters-eel eels caught from the wild or as a post shelter.

Generally recognized three kinds of eel, which is the swamp eel, eel rice fields or ponds, and eel times / sea. Frequently encountered type of eel is an eel rice fields or ponds. Eel pond has a large body size could even for a toddler's arm with a body length of 60 cm. Systematics are as follows:
Class: Pisces
Subclass: Teleostei
Order: Synbranchoidae
Family: Synbranchidae
Genus: Synbranchus
Species: Monopterus albus / alba Fluta (eel rice); Macrotrema caligans (eel rice: in West Java; eel Dami: Central Java); Synbranchus bengalensis (swamp eel).

Eels are found in ponds or rice fields at high or low lying areas. Eels hemaprodite properties ie experiencing a change in sex than females (when small, measuring less than 35 cm long) and a male (when a large, body length of more than 40 cm). Eels also has properties in a state where hungry cannibals.

Existing swimming eel eels are usually marked with holes. This hole is a "home" place to live eels. Holes are made eel pond is leaking even sometimes make the dike collapsed. Eels that are incubating eggs or caring for children is marked by the number of foam at the mouth of the hole.

Control efforts difficult because of eels including eel hiding in a hole or mud base. There are farmers who spread poison / tuba to kill the eels in the process of draining the pond. Suggested toxins are the root of tubal or saponin (from the tea flower material). In addition, many also are trying to catch eels alive for consumption because the meat is delicious. This way is more advisable though less effective.

How to catch eels are generally done is to use bare hands or a special gear for eels. Catching up with the hand is possible if the pond bottom mud dried and flip-flops. Usually eel will come out and stay arrested. If using an eel catcher, could be given fishing bait minnow or frog child. Rod inserted into the hole eel

and the hungry will eat eel bait fishing line is then drawn so that the eels carried out of the hole. Other fishing gear such as trap / posong, netting / mesh soft-edged. If using a trap, bait is placed inside and Bubu Bubu planted in the mud in the afternoon. Bubu was appointed the next morning. In West Sumatra, a popular fishing eels are using fish trap called Bubu.

source: Khairul Amri and ToguanSihombing, PT. GramediaPustakaUtama, 2008

Whats Google AdSense?

Posted: 07 May 2010 05:11 AM PDT

Whats Google AdSense?
by: Diane Nassy
AdSense may be one of the fastest and easiest ways to monetize traffic to your web site whether you have products or services for sale or you simply provide free content to your visitors.

Simply stated, Google AdSense enables website operators to place some code on their site that connects to Google's ad server content database and pulls keyword-relevant advertising onto the web pages. The webmaster gets paid a percentage of the fee that Google receives from the advertiser every time a visitor clicks on an ad. There is no charge for the webmaster to participate in AdSense. All costs are covered by the advertiser who participates in the AdSense sister program called AdWords.

Google's sends out digital "robots" which use proprietary algorithms to parse the host web page and analyze the content in an effort to determine what keywords are relevant. It reports its findings back to Google's ad server which then serves ads matching those keywords. Given that the entire process is automated, the "ad robots" do a pretty good job of getting the advertising content right most of the time.

The History of Google AdSense

Google AdSense has its roots in the old "Google Content-Targeted Advertising" program which they introduced back in March of 2003. Although this program was similar in concept to AdSense, there was no automated way of participating. Each webmaster negotiated a deal directly with Google, and websites that served less than 20 million page views per month were not welcome to participate.

As Google grew, they began to see how much money they were leaving on the table by excluding the smaller sites, which greatly outnumbered the sites serving over 20 million hits that were willing to serve other people's ads. Their answer to that problem was AdSense which has no minimum traffic requirements and is open to all sites meeting Google's content and decency requirements.

How much can you make running Google AdSense?

The answer to that question depends upon three factors:

1. How much traffic your site draws
2.How many visitors click on your ads
3.How much those ads pay per generated click

With some ads paying as much as $5 or more, it's possible that you can generate a serious income with AdSense. There are relatively well documented cases of some people earning as much as $500 per DAY and more. Numbers like that are rare exceptions however. Even so, there is no reason why you can't earn somewhere around $1,000 per month, or more, once you get the hang of it.

How to get started using Google AdSense

Make a visit to Google's AdSense Site ( and sign up. Make sure that you read their Acceptable Use Policy and that you follow their content requirements. Google has their own "AdSense Police" who will have no problem booting you out of the program if you fail to walk the line.

Using Google AdSense on your site is like collecting free money. There's no reason not to do it and potentially thousands of dollars worth of reasons to do it.

About the author:
Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips.
For more Google AdSense tips, visit
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Pengumuman Penerimaan Taruna STP Tahun 2010

Posted: 07 May 2010 12:07 AM PDT

Nomor : 001/PENTARU/PENG/IV/2010k

Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan (STP) Jakarta memanggil putra-putri terbaik Indonesia untuk dididik sebagai Taruna Program Diploma IV menjadi ahli kelautan dan perikanan. Biaya selama pendidikan (asrama, konsumsi, perkuliahan/praktikum, dll) sebagian besar ditanggung oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. Pilihan Program Studi terdiri atas : Program Studi Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan (TPI), Program Studi Permesinan Perikanan (MP), Program Studi Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan (TPH), Program Studi Teknologi Akuakultur (TAK), Program Studi Teknologi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Perairan (TPS) dan Program Studi Penyuluhan Perikanan (PP).

Selengkapnya dapat diklik disini

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BMKT Kembali Ditemukan di Laut Subang

Posted: 06 May 2010 11:49 PM PDT

BMKT Kembali Ditemukan di Laut Subang

Harta karun barang muatan kapal tenggelam (BMKT| peninggalan era dinasti China ditemukan lagi di Laut Jawa, tepatnya di perairan Belanakan-Subang, Jawa Barat. Sejak awal 2010, pengangkatan BMKT berupa benda antik yang dibuat tahun 1600-an ini sudah mulai dilakukan PT Comexsindo.

"Diperkirakan, penemuan BMKT kali ini lebih besar dibanding di Laut Cirebon. Selain keramik, memang belum dapat diketahui jenis dan jumlah persis barang muatan yang ada di kapal karam tersebut," kata Dirjen Pengawasan Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP) Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) Aji Su-larso saat melakukan tinjauan ke kapal tongkang (submarine service) pengangkat BMKT di Subang, Rabu (5/5).

BMKT peninggalan Dinasti Ming tahun 1600-an telah diangkat pihak Co-mexsindo berupa keramik berjumlah 12.415 unit. Dalam satu hari, diturunkan 22 penyelam untuk mengangkat BMKT tersebut. "Mungkin pengangkatan baru selesai dalam kurun waktu beberapa bulan ke depan. Ini mengingat faktor cuaca yang sangat menentukan kece-patan waktu pengangkatannya," kata Aji lagi.

Lokasi penemuan BMKT terletak pada $ derajat 28-768 lintang selatan dan 107 derajat 53-275 bujur timur dengan kedalaman 50 hingga 54 meter di bawah laut. Pengangkatan BMKT mengusung tema Project Belanakan I.
Seperti diketahui, ada sekitar 100 lebih pekerja yang berada dalam kapal tongkang, di. mana sekitar 50 persen merupakan operator dan eksekutor pengangkatan BMKT. Sedangkan sisanya merupakan anak buah kapal (ABK) serta petugas pengawas pengangkatan BMKT dari TNI, Polri, KKP, serta Ke-menterian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata.

Ketika ditanya mengenai sejauh mana pengawasan yang dilakukan instansi terkait dalam proses pengangkatan BMKT, menurut Aji, semua instansi terkait berada dalam satu kapal dan terus mengawasi kegiatan yang dilakukan para kru pengangkatan BMKT itu. Dengan demikian, sangat minim terjadi penyelewengan oleh perusahaan atau oknum pekerja terhadap harta karun BMKT. Ini karena semua kegiatan yang dilakukan selalu berada dalam pengawasan ketat, termasuk pada saat penyelaman. (Byu|

Sumber: Suara Karya 07 Mei 2010, hal. 6

Do Fish See in Color

Posted: 06 May 2010 05:02 PM PDT

Do Fish See in Color
by: Cameron Larsen

Fish do indeed perceive color. Every fly fisher knows that or ought to know that. Like humans, the retina of a fish have rods and cones. Cones are used in the day and rods at night. Color vision evolved to help fish identify potential food. In the environment of the fish, the background will either be the bottom, the water itself, or if looking up for food it could be the sky. The bottom is normally tannish olive to green. When looking across the water, the background appears pale silver blue. But if the water is off color due to algae or high water one must take that into consideration as well. Skylight becomes more important at dusk and dawn when it contains more reds.

Thus for opportunistically feeding game fish, flies with bright or contrasting colors and/or a lot of flash will make them stand out against the above mentioned backgrounds. The Mickey Finn, tied with yellow and red, and a silver body is one of the most effective attractor patterns. As for dry fly attractors , the Royal Wulff is still hard to beat, with its red and peacock body and white wings. Black flies, because of their strong silhouette also are easy for fish to spot. Let's not forget patterns that contain strands of flashabou or other tinsel that reflect light when stripped or while drifting through the current are easy for fish to spot.

The fly fisherman also must remember that color behaves differently in water that it does when seen in the air. Water is denser, and the colors are diffused quicker. Cloudy days where there is less overall light will offer less visibility, and colors will disappear quicker in the depths of the water. And the clarity of water obviously greatly effects this as well. This is important in fly selection because certain colors travel farther in low light than others. Red is the first color to disappear, usually at about 15 feet in clear water, followed by orange and then yellow. Blues and greens are visible to the fish as long as there is light. Yet silver and white will be brighter.

So while the Mickey Finn is obviously a great choice as an attractor fly, it would not be as good a choice in murky water or if fished deep. A better attractor might be a white Woolly Bugger or White Marabou Muddler.

Color is also important to remember when matching the hatch. Since fish use vision as the deciding factor to strike, one's offering must be the correct color. However, very small differences in hue seem to not be much of a factor as most insects will vary slightly in color as well. But if the intensity of color the artificial fly has can be a factor. If the artificial is more intense than the natural it is more likely to catch fish. Why this seems to work is somewhat a mystery. It is understood that fish see deeper into the ultraviolet range than humans, so perhaps they are just seeing something we don't. It could also be due to the effect water has on colors. Perhaps we'll never know, but like many things in fishing, why something works is not as important as just knowing that it does work.

While color is probably not the most important factor in a fish striking a fly. The above considerations are nevertheless a good thing to have in the back of your fly fishing mind.

About The Author

Cameron Larsen is a retired commericial fly tier and fly fishing guide. He now operates The Big Y Fly Co. at

Predator benih ikan (belut)

Posted: 06 May 2010 07:56 AM PDT

Belut (eel) meski tidak mirip ikan, sejatinya termasuk jenis ikan ekonomis penting di Indonesia. Namun, belut juga tergolong ikan buas yang doyan memangsa ikan-ikan kecil (benih). Belut ditakuti sebagai pemangsa benih karena hidup sepenuhnya di air bersama ikan yang dipelihara. Hewan ini bersembunyi di dasar kolam yang berlumpur atau membuat lubang di tanggul-tanggul kolam. Ketika lapar, belut muncul ke permukaan dasar kolam untuk mencari makan.
Belut memiliki tubuh bulat memanjang dan memiliki sirip punggung, sirip ekor dan sirip dubur yang hanya terlihat sedikit. Meskipun termasuk kelompok ikan tetapi bentuk kepalanya sama sekali tidak mirip ikan dan tutuo insangnya sangat kecil.

Belut memiliki tubuh yang sangat licin ditutupi lendir yang banyak sebagai ganti sisik pelindung tubuh. Sesekali kepalanya muncul ke permukaan air untuk menghirup oksigen. sebagai hewan nokturnal, belut aktif mencari makan pada malam hari.

Di alam, belut hidup di lumpur kolam, sawah, rawa dan di kali kecil atau selokan. Di Indonesia, sejak tahun 1979, belut mulai dibudidayakan dan menjadi salah satu komoditas ekspor. Sentra budidaya belut di Indonesia adalah provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta dan Jawa Barat, sementara di daerah lainnya merupakan tempat penampungan belut-belut tangkapan dari alam atau sebagai pos penampungan.

Secara umum dikenal 3 jenis belut, yaitu yaitu belut rawa, belut sawah atau kolam, dan belut kali/laut. Jenis belut yang sering dijumpai adalah belut sawah atau kolam. Belut kolam memiliki ukuran tubuh yang besar bahkan bisa sebesar lengan anak balita dengan panjang tubuh 60 cm. Sistematikanya adalah sebagai berikut:
Kelas: Pisces
Subkelas: Teleostei
Ordo: Synbranchoidae
Famili: Synbranchidae
Genus: Synbranchus
Species: Monopterus albus/Fluta alba (belut sawah); Macrotrema caligans (belut padi: di Jawa Barat; belut dami: di Jawa Tengah); Synbranchus bengalensis (belut rawa).

Belut ditemukan di kolam atau sawah di daerah dataran tinggi maupun rendah. Belut memiliki sifat hemaprodite yakni mengalami pergantian kelamin dari betina (ketika kecil, berukuran panjang di bawah 35 cm) dan menjadi jantan (ketika besar, panjang tubuh lebih dari 40 cm). Belut juga mempunyai sifat kanibal apabila dalam keadaan lapar.

Kolam yang ada belutnya biasanya ditandai dengan lubang belut. Lubang ini merupakan "rumah" tempat tinggal belut. Lubang yang dibuat belut kadangkala membuat kolam bocor bahkan tanggul jebol. Belut yang sedang mengerami telur atau mengasuh anaknya ditandai dengan banyaknya busa di mulut lubang.

Upaya pengendalian belut termasuk sulit karena belut bersembunyi di lubang atau dasar lumpur. Ada peternak yang menebar racun/tuba untuk membunuh belut dalam proses pengeringan kolam. Racun yang disarankan adalah akar tuba atau saponin (dari bahan kembang teh). Di samping itu, banyak juga yang berupaya menangkap belut hidup-hidup untuk dikonsumsi karena dagingnya yang enak. Cara seperti ini lebih disarankan meski kurang efektif.

Cara menangkap belut yang umum dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan tangan kosong atau alat tangkap khusus untuk belut. Penangkapan dengan tangan dimungkinkan apabila kolam dikeringkan dan lumpur dasar kolam diaduk-aduk. Biasanya belut akan keluar dan tinggal ditangkap. Jika menggunakan alat penangkap belut, bisa berupa pancing yang diberi umpan ikan kecil atau anak kodok. Pancing dimasukkan ke dalam lubang belut

dan belut yang lapar akan memakan umpan tersebut kemudian tali pancing ditarik sehingga belut ikut terbawa keluar dari lubang. Alat tangkap lain berupa bubu/posong, jaring/jala bermata lembut. Jika menggunakan bubu, umpan diletakkan di dalam bubu tersebut dan bubu ditanam di lumpur pada sore hari. Keesokan paginya bubu diangkat. Di Sumatera Barat penangkapan belut yang populer adalah menggunakan bubu yang disebut lukah.

sumber : Khairul Amri dan Toguan Sihombing, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008

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