Tuesday, March 29, 2011



English Bulldog

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 12:13 PM PDT

Male english buldog puppy

Small cute English Bulldog puppy

As far as we know, the bulldog is happening to the British Isles, and his name (literally “bull dog”) is associated with the use of dogs for baiting bulls.
One can hardly say with certainty when it is born old English pastime, but in “Stemfordskom review” about its possible origin says: “The Count of William Warren, who ruled this city during the reign of King John (1209), standing on the walls of his castle in Stamford , saw two bulls, which are in the meadow in front of the castle fighting over a cow as long as the dog did not pursue one of them and drove him mad by barking through the city. It is so like the Count that he was providing his meadow for similar events the townspeople with the condition that six weeks before Christmas, they will pick up the “Raging Bull”.
Anyone who has read about the bull-baiting dogs, can be concluded that the original Bulldog was a fierce dog. His appearance of absolutely no significance, the beauty and harmony of speech was not. It is hard to imagine what possessed the extraordinary courage of these dogs. Having a family for many generations of military ancestors, these dogs have become so bold and ferocious, as if did not feel pain. This was the bulldog of old England.

Adult English bulldog sleeping on the kitchen floor

Funny English Bulldog male Sleeping on the kitchen floor

But since 1835 dog fighting in Britain were banned. Thus, the English bulldog was not needed, and his days were numbered. However, found fans who did not like this situation, they wanted to preserve this wonderful breed. Moreover, the aggressiveness was unnecessary and undesirable, they sought to preserve all the other wonderful qualities of the breed. With this calculation breeders began to eliminate undesirable traits and retain the best quality. Purposeful breeding yielded results: after a few generations of an English bulldog has become one of the nicest dogs, losing the his original ferocity.
This is the bulldog we know today. We should be grateful to our British companions, who appreciated the English bulldog and saved it for posterity

Cutest Male and female English bulldog puppies

Cutest Male and Female English Bulldog puppies  on the grass

Bulldog. Official Standard
Approved July 20, 1976 Revised November 28, 1990

General view. Bulldog – a dog of medium size with smooth hair, massive head with short muzzle, broad shoulders, sturdy limbs. Addition of a bulldog dense, strong and stocky. The general form and character indicate decisiveness, strength and vigor. A dog with a balanced, friendly and bold character (not malicious and non-aggressive) and demeanor – a peace-loving and generous. These qualities must be manifested in the appearance and behavior.

Weight, proportion, composition. Weight: Dogs approximately 22.5 kg, females – about 18 kg. Proportions: a circle of skull in front of the ears should not be less than the height at the withers. Addition: dog perfectly composed – No article shall be allocated, so the dog does not look ugly or out of proportion. Females more easily add, than dogs.

Head. Eye when viewed from the front low-set, as far as possible from the ears, the corners of his eyes are on the same line with the transition from forehead to muzzle. Eyes right and widely delivered, and their corners are seen from the front are nearly flush with the cheeks, round, medium size, not deep set nor prominent, very dark. When looking forward ever cover whites of the eyes, the third eyelids are not visible. Ears are set wide and high, possibly far from the eyes, small and delicate to the touch. The most desirable type of ears, “Rose” (hanging on the cartilage, bent to the back, so-called open dorsum of tongue, with partially or completely open acoustic meatus). Cranial volume and largest – of its circle in front of the ears should not be less than the height at the withers. Viewed from the front skull is high (on the angle of the mandible to the cranial vault) and a very wide square. When viewed from the side of the head of a deep and very short (from nose to occiput). The forehead is flat (not rounded or domed), not too prominent or overhanging face. Cheeks bulging, protruding under her eyes forward and sideways. Frontal bones are large, broad, square and high, with a hollow between the eyes – broad and deep, reaching to the middle of his forehead. Muzzle (from the point of transition from forehead to muzzle to the nose) is very short, broad, turned up and very deep from corner of eye to corner of mouth

White and brown coated English bulldog puppy

Small male puppy English Bulldog on the table

Nose: big, broad and black, is located deep at eye level. Distance from the point of transition from forehead to muzzle to the nose should be as small as possible and not exceed the distance from nose to the rim of the lower lip. Nostrils wide, big and black, with a clearly defined groove between them. The color of the nose is black. Well-defined lips, pendulous, dense and very deep, completely cover the sides of the lower jaw. Front, they reach the rim of the lower lip, almost or completely closing the teeth (which, when the mouth is closed may be hardly noticeable). The jaws are massive, very broad, square, with a snack (the lower jaw is considerably above the top and curved upward). Teeth large and strong, canines set wide apart, bits of lower jaw located on the same line.
Flaws: erect, pointed ears, or type “rosebud” (standing on the cartilage, formed along the front and tight to the cheeks, covering the acoustic opening), cropped ears.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: brown or liver color nose

brown English bulldog puppy with white spots playing with pacifier

Little Male puppy English Bulldog playing with pacifier

Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is short, sturdy and strong, slightly arched. Topline: immediately behind the withers slight depression in the ground (the lowest point of the back), from spin up to the elastic waist, from which gradually descends to the base of the tail, forming arch (the back sail “or” spin the wheel “- a very characteristic feature of the breed). Thorax and body bulk, with rounded sides, ribs and deep (from the withers to the lower chest). Chest far enough down between his shoulders and forelegs, giving the dog a broad front, a stocky, short-legged appearance. The belly is slightly tucked up, but not excessively. Back short and strong, very broad at the shoulders with a relatively narrow waist. The tail may be either direct – no bends or wring – or “corkscrew” and in any case it should be short, set low, the downward direction. Straight tail conical, evenly tapering to an end. Tail “corkscrew” with clear loops and curves, steep breaks, or knotty. The tail is tightly placed, should not rise above the back line

Male English bulldog with white and brown coat

Beautiful Male English Bulldog

Forequarters. Scapula muscular, broad, oblique, giving the dog the stability and great power. The forelegs are short, very strong and muscular, set wide apart, with well-developed forearms, due to what appear to be curved, but the bone should be straight and feet should not be located close to each other. Elbows are low, some are separated from the hull. Feet medium size, compact and tight. Fingers are compact, well separated, arched, with very short, as if chopped off claws. Feet can be directed straight ahead or slightly outward.

Hindquarters Strong and muscular, longer than the front limbs, due to which the waist is raised above the withers. Hock with a slightly angulated, the lower is omitted, that provides power thighs. Tibia short, straight and strong knees slightly outward, which pulls together several hocks and deploys its hind legs outward. Feet medium size, compact and sturdy, in outwards. Fingers are compact, well separated, arched, with short, as if chopped off claws.

Coat and skin. The coat is straight, short, flat, thin and glossy. Skin elastic and loose, especially on the head, neck and shoulders. The head and face covered with deep folds of skin on the throat of the lower jaw hanging down to his chest two symmetrical folds, forming a suspension.
Vices: the presence of feathering, fringe, curly, wavy hair

Chinese Shar-Pei

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 11:34 AM PDT

cute baby Shar-Pei sitting on the floor and posing for picture

Male Shar-Pei puppy sitting

It is believed that the ancient and unique breed – a Chinese Shar-Pei – occurred from near the small village of Tai Li in Guangdong Province and has existed for centuries in the southern provinces of China, apparently since the Han Dynasty (200 BC. E .). Figurines were found, much like the shar-pei, who referred to this period. Recently was transferred to a Chinese manuscript of the XIII century, which mentions about a dog with pleats in their qualities are very reminiscent of shar-pei.
Title Shar Pei literally means “sand skin” or more loosely translated “rough as sandpaper, wool. This refers to two distinctive qualities of wool shar-pei – stiffness and short length that makes this dog unique in the canine world. In shar-pei is another feature which it shares with just one breed – chow-chow – a blue-black tongue, which may indicate a common ancestor of both breeds. However, the evidence of such a relationship is difficult to find.
History of Chinese Shar-Pei is full of blind spots. But we know that after China became a communist country, the number of dogs there has dropped significantly. Dogs became little in cities and in rural areas are almost gone. During this period, the Shar-Pei were bred in small numbers in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Around 1968 the breed recognized and registered the Kennel Club of Hong Kong. Subsequently, the Kennel Association of Hong Kong and Kowloon (Kowloon) has established a registry of dogs and brought back shar-pei. This organization and to this day registers the breed, as well as other organizations in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, as well as in Canada, Britain and some European countries

Two baby Shar-Pei dogs sleeping, cute baby puppies

Cutiest baby Shar-Pei puppies sleeping

In the United States-documented history of this breed dates back to 1966 when there were imported several dogs from breeding stock registered with the Kennel Club of Hong Kong. October 8, 1970 Association of American breeders registered Chinese Shar-Pei for JC Smith. Interest in the breed has increased significantly in 1973 when Metgo Lo from the nursery Down Homes in Hong Kong, appealed to dog lovers in the United States with the slogan “Save the Chinese Shar-pei!”. People enthusiastically responded to this appeal, and the fall of 1973 in the United States was brought a limited number of these dogs because they were rare. Their new owners to communicate with each other and decided to establish a national club and registry for these dogs. The American Club Chinese Shar-Pei (AKLKSH) held its first organizational meeting in 1974, and since then it exists constantly. The first national exhibition was held in 1978, since such exhibitions are held each year.
AKLKSH leading stud book and is actively promoting this unique, attractive and devoted dog. On May 1988, when the AKC accepted shar-pei in the mixed class, there were 29,263 registered dogs. In October 1991, the Shar-Pei received the full recognition of ACE and was listed at 6-th group: Unsportsmanlike dog. ”
Permissible length of coat Chinese Shar-pei range from very short “horse” coat to the hair, not exceeding 2.5 cm at the withers.
Each type has its own peculiarities. Since hard-coat – a distinctive feature, it is important that it has not been lost in the dogs with “horse” coat. Thanks to the popularity of the longer coat in some dogs after a few generations it can soften or lengthen. If every 2-3 generations to add the blood of dogs with a “horse” fur coat acquires rigidity and the length of the specified standard

Adult male Shar-Pei staying on the grass

Strong male Shar-Pei

Chinese Shar-Pei. Official Standard
Approved October 8, 1991

General view. Lively, dignified, active, compact, sturdy dog ??of medium size, square format, with the short loin, a large head, a little too big for the body. Unique only to him peculiar kind of ball-peyu give a short, rough fur, loose skin covering the head and body, small ears, snout “like a hippo, and high set tail. For puppies are especially characteristic of loose skin and wrinkles, a lot of covering the head, neck and body. In adult dogs, they may be limited to the head, neck and withers.

Height, weight, proportion, composition. Height: 46 – 51 cm preferred weight: 18 – 25 kg. Males are usually larger than females and have a square format. Proportions: Height at the withers is approximately equal to the length of the body (from humeroscapular junction to point of buttock).

The head is large, proudly raised and covered with numerous folds on the forehead, turning into lateral folds that frame the face. Dark eyes, small, almond-shaped, deep set, giving the dog “frowning” appearance. In dogs, “dilute” colors (dilute) the eye color may be lighter. Ears are very small, rather thick, shaped form an equilateral triangle. Edge of the ear may be wavy. Ears close to head, wide apart and pointing forward, moving. The skull is flat and wide, and the transition from forehead to muzzle moderately expressed. The muzzle is one of the characteristics of the breed. Broad and well filled, without the slightest hint of sharpness. Length of muzzle equal to length of skull. Nose: big, broad, dark, preferably black or in harmony with the basic color. When dilyutovyh preferred monochrome color nose. Cream Shar Pei with a dark pigment can have a color of the nose of the “butterfly” or spotted (in the basic color tone). Fleshy lips and nose and thick, slightly rising over the back of the nose. ‘ELIMINATING FAULTS: erect ears.
Language, the sky, the gums and Flews in all colors of blue-black, but when dilyutovyh – solid lavender (lavender). Teeth strong. Scissor bite.
Flaws: spotted tongue, deviation from a scissor bite.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: pink tongue (tongue may lighten due to heat stress, need to be careful not to confuse dilyutovuyu pigmentation with a pink tongue

Large male Shar-Pei, Large Chinese dog

Brown beautiful Chinese Shar-Pei

Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is medium length, volume, strong. Around the neck and throat are free hanging folds of skin, transforming into a dewlap. The topline is slightly behind the withers and decreases slightly increased over the short, broad loin. Chest broad and deep, it reaches to the elbows. Abdomen slightly tucked. Back short. The loin is short. Croup line. The base of the tail set high, clearly demonstrating highly placed anus. Tail Set on high, which is a characteristic feature of the Shar-pei, thick and round at the base, tapering and curved over the back or side.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: kutsehvostost.

Forequarters. Scapula muscular and sloping. Limb when viewed from the front straight, moderately wide apart. Elbows close to the body. When viewed from the side are straight, pasterns strong and slightly sloping. The backbone of the massive, but not heavy. Fifth fingers can be removed. Feet small, compact and strong, not loose.

Hindquarters well muscled, strong, with moderate angulation. Hocks bent low. Metatarsus steep and parallel to each other when viewed from behind. Dewclaws removed. Paws – as in forequarters.

Coat. One feature of the Shar-Pei is extremely hard coat. It is absolutely straight, raised at the back and sides, but the end smoothed. Coat looks healthy, though not shiny and not shiny. Permissible length hair can vary from extremely short – “choir” to “brush”, and its length at the withers less than 2,5 cm
Faults: Soft, or wavy hair, or wool, from the withers exceeds 2.5 cm, shorn wool


Posted: 28 Mar 2011 11:13 AM PDT

large adult chow chow dogs on the kitchen floor

Three Adult chow chow dogs on the kitchen floor

Obtain evidence of an ancient origin of chow-chow, this majestic and proud dog, hard, and it is in no small measure due to that ruthlessness with which the Chinese emperors destroyed works of art and literature of their predecessors. Yet not so long ago has been found relief, referring to the Han Dynasty (150 BC. Er.), Where the chow is portrayed as a hunting dog at that time. Although this implies that the age of this breed is over 2000 years, many experts believe that the chow is much older, so this is really one of the oldest breeds of dogs.
Was put forward the theory that the chow is derived from the crossing of the old Tibetan Mastiff and Samoyed – from northern Siberia. Certainly, b chow manifest some of the qualities of both breeds. But this idea belies the fact that Chow has a blue-black tongue. From this some conclude that chow – an independent breed, and that
This breed could be among the ancestors of Samoyed, Norwegian huskies, kishonda and Spitz – they all have some similar type.
In our time, Chow became a fashionable pet dogs and guard, although there is ample evidence that in China it for centuries was the main hunting dog. Probably the most unusual and luxurious kennels throughout history has been one of the emperors of the Tang Dynasty about the VII century AD. er. It was so large that the emperor could not use and of what it had. In this kennel contained 2500 pairs of type chow hounds, and the service of the emperor consisted 10,000 rangers.
Apparently, Chow is an extremely gifted rock, because this dog is used for almost any job. Paying tribute to the beauty of this dog’s instinct, tenacity and ingenuity, it is often used in the hunt for the Mongolian pheasant and Yunnan francolin, the dog always been speed and endurance

picture of chow chow puppy and adult chow chow male posing for picture

Baby chow chow and Adult chow chow posing for relaxing on the bed

There is no doubt that the birthplace of the chow-chow is much farther north, but these dogs have always been mostly in southern China, particularly in the area of ??Canton. In this area of ??China where this dog is considered a radical, it is usually called chernoyazykoy or chernorotoy. In the north, for example in Beijing, it is called the “Lang Kou (wolf dog),” hsiung Kou (bear dog) or a little more complicated: “Hey Shae-t’ou (chernoyazykoy) or kuantung kou” (Cantonese dog).
Name Chow has little to do with China is that this expression originated in the late XVII century, the Anglo-Chinese hybrid word referring to the goods brought from any part of the Eastern Empire. It means all sorts of gadgets, including such antique gizmos like figurines made of porcelain and ivory, what we today call “different difference”. The ship’s captain was much easier to write a “chow-chow, we describe their cargo in detail. Over time, this expression was turned on and the dog.
For the first time made the West a description of Chow was written by Reverend Gilbert White, a priest of Selborne, England. It was later published in “Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne.” This description is very complete and indicates that dogs are not too different from modern specimens. A neighbor of the priest in 1780 brought a pair of chow from Canton on board East India Company.
However, the import of chow-chow in England began only in 1880, and the popularity of this breed began to take after she became interested in Queen Victoria. The first specialized club was founded in England in 1895. This dog is the first time took part in an exhibition in the United States in 1890, when it belonged to Miss A. Derby bitch named Takiyeh recorded as chow-chow, took third place in the “mixed class” at the Westminster Kennel Club in New York.
AKC officially recognized the breed in 1903. American club chow was adopted by the AKC in 1906. Today it is one of the most deep-rooted in America rocks

Picture of five pomeranian puppies posing on the wall

Five baby chow-chow puppies playing on the wall

Chow-chow. Official Standard
Approved November 11, 1986 Revised August 21, 1990

General view. Chow Chow – the universal ancient breed, originating from Northern China, was used in a variety of purposes: for hunting, protection of livestock and homes. Although today it is mostly companion dog, do not forget about its working origins. This is a strong, strong, healthy dog ??of the polar type, square format, medium size, with muscular and massive bone. Compact housing, with a short waist, wide and deep, tail set high, the dog keeps it pressed against his back. Corps relies on the direct, strong limbs. When viewed from the side straightened angulation hindquarters, hocks and metatarsus are located under the hip joints, which leads to a related motion at the trot – stilted gait, peculiar to this breed. Proudly planted a large head with broad, flat skull and short, broad and deep muzzle stressed “collar.” This elegant, harmoniously composed a massive dog, energetic, active and agile. Covered with short, soft coat with undercoat, chow-chow is a model of beauty, nobility, and naturalness. Blue-black tongue, scowling expression of the eyes and “stilted” gait is characteristic of the breed.

Growth, proportion, composition. Height: Height at the withers, on average – 43 – 51 cm, but in each case, we must first consider the overall proportions and harmonious composition. Proportion: when viewed from the side it is evident that the dog square format with a short loin. Distance from humeroscapular joint to point of buttock equal to height at the withers. Distance from elbow to ground equal to half the height at the withers. The lowest point of the chest is at elbow. Thorax broad, which is a breed trait. The examination of puppies should be guided by the same rules as for the adult dog. Addition: a dog with a well-developed muscles and strong bones. Males – courageous, bitches – it is easier for the constitution, somewhat elongated.
Flaws: extended format or vysokonogost; moor dogs with weak bones, downloaded or too rough

Picture of baby chow-chow pupies with soft brown coat

Three baby chow-chow puppies sitting on the coach

Head with a proud-set in proportion to the body, but not enough to seem too heavy. Expression in his eyes scowling, dignified, proud, attentive, calm, self-confident and independent. The dog looks frowning eyebrows by hanging over the folds of skin, pronounced eyebrows with protruding subcutaneous brovnymi tubercles on the inner upper corner of each eye, which form the “gloomy view” of the pronounced groove between the eyes, starting at the base of the muzzle and reaching to the top of the forehead and also because of the correct form and place the eyes and ears. Folds of skin on the face there. The eyes are dark brown, deep set, wide and obliquely set, almond shaped, medium size. Proper positioning and shape of the eye should create “Oriental” appearance. Eyelid black, eyes are clearly visible. Ears small, moderately thick, triangular, slightly rounded at the end, upright, slightly tilted forward. Wide and high planted. The skull is broad and flat, but not at the expense of wool and skin folds. When viewed from the side lines of the muzzle and skull are almost parallel. The transition from forehead to muzzle is moderately expressed, but because of the protruding brows can seem more dramatic. The muzzle is short compared with the length of the skull, but not less than 1 / 3 length of head. The muzzle is broad and deep throughout length from eyes to nose, not pointed, well filled under eyes. Square format muzzle formed by the proper bone structure, the bulk of the muzzle and fleshy lips. When the mouth is closed upper lips completely cover the bottom without overlapping the lower jaw. Nose: big, broad, black, with wide open nostrils, but the blue chow might have a blue or bluish-gray nose. The edges of the lips black. The ideal fall solid black. Language solid bluish-black color, the darker the better. Teeth are strong, incisors are on the same lines, scissor bite.
Disadvantages: too loose folds of skin on the head.
Flaws: ectropion or entropion century, overly-developed third eyelid, soft ears.
Disqualifying faults: hanging ear or ears are not fully pigmented or not a black nose (except in blue Chows), the sky or the language of red or pink or with one or more of the stain of red or pink

Three adult chow-chow dogs with brown and black coat siting on the forest road

Three chow-chow adult male dogs relaxing on the forest dirt road

Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is strong, sturdy, well muscled, nicely arched, highly placed, to stand with head held high. Topline straight, strong and smooth. Housing short, compact, short loins, muscular, wide and deep. Back, loin and croup should be short to give the dog the required square format. Chest broad, oval and muscular, neither in any way is narrow and not flattened. Ribs fairly prominent, but not the barrel. Bending the front edges is expressed in the spine and some narrowing down. The belly is broad and deep, drops to the elbows. Mesosternum goes forward beyond the line of the shoulders. Loin muscular, strong, short, broad and deep. Croup short, broad and muscular, not beveled. Tail Set high, continuing the line of cereals, tight and right on his back.
Flaws: shortness of breath or abdominal (does not include the usual shortness of breath).

Forequarters. Blades of strong, muscular, the ends of blades moderately reduced. Vanes set at an angle of approximately 55 ° to the horizontal, and form of the humerus angle of approximately 110 °, resulting in removal of the forelimbs obtained small. The length of the humerus is the length of the scapula. Elbows sent back and held tightly to his chest, and they turned neither in nor out. Forearm perfectly straight, with massive bone. When viewed from the front legs are parallel and widely separated in proportion to the width of the chest. Pasterns short and upright. Wrist steep. Fifth fingers may be removed. Feet round, compact, “cat”, raised on thick pads.
Flaws: Kozinets

Large chow-chow dog in the park

Adult chow-chow dog with brown coat in the park

Hindquarters broad, strong and muscular in the thighs, with strong bones. When viewed from the rear limbs are straight, parallel to each other and far apart – in proportion to the width of the pelvis. The knee joint is smoothed, durable and, pointing straight ahead. Hocks low and seem to have omitted almost straightened. They should be strong and sturdy, with no express angles, not similar to each other and not turned outwards. Hock and shank are in a straight line at the hip joint. Hocks are short and steep. The dewclaws may be removed. Paws – as in forequarters.
Malformations: severe angulation of knee or hock.

Coat. There are two types of hair – short-haired and long-haired, both – with a distinct undercoat.
Long-haired type: coat thick, dense, straight, not adjacent to the body, rather hard to the touch, undercoat soft, thick and short. Puppies wool is soft, thick and short. Around the head and neck wool forms a lush ruff, framing the head. Males coat and ruff generally longer than females. The tail is covered with thick long hair. Different dogs length hair is different, so you should take into account its density, structure and condition than the length. You can cut the mane, paws, and paw.
Flaws: a noticeable cut or change the natural shape of wool.
Shorthair type: judged by the same standard as the long-haired, except for the fact that the wool in this case is shorter and more fitting. The hips should not be obvious “trousers”, and on the tail – the long feathering.

Color pure colors, solid or solid with lighter shades of the basic color on the ruff, tail and feathering. In chow, there are five colors: red (from light gold to dark mahogany color), black, blue, cinnamon (tan) – from light fawn to dark cinnamon; cream. All colors are evaluated on an equal basis


Posted: 28 Mar 2011 10:26 AM PDT

two cute pomeranian puppies-male and female

Two cute pomeranian puppies

Pomeranets - a member of the family dogs that are known informally as biradlike. It is the descendant of sled dogs of Iceland and Lapland. In the Pomeranian breed acquired its present size and is bound to it by its name. Dogs larger sizes are used to protect sheep flocks. When in the middle of the XIX century the breed was first noticed in England, some dogs weighed 15 kg and the size, coat and color reminiscent of the German wolf Spitz – Wolfspitz.
The breed was not very popular until 1870, when the English Kennel Club recognized it. In 1888, Queen Victoria, being in Florence, fell in love and brought a Pomeranian dog named Marco in England. As the queen enjoyed great respect and its activities are widely reported and documented, the popularity of rock climbing sharply. That’s Queen Victoria is said to have been a supporter of reducing the size of the breed. On the day of his death in 1901 she commanded to bring her her favorite Pomeranian named Turi. When the queen died, Turi was lying next to her.
Representatives of the breed exhibited in the USA in 1892 in the “mixed class”, but in a separate group, they were only in 1900 in New York. In 1911,
American Pomeranian Club held its first exhibition of the breed

Picture of cute pomeranian puppy female

Pomeranian female puppy white as snow

Winners of the early American shows have been a more powerful bone structure, with larger ears and weighed up to 2.7 kg. They had a modern style and a good structure of wool, although it was less dense and longer than today. Dog breeding due to the efforts of the American Kennel demonstrate improved type of breed, more approximate to the standard than it was from the winners of the first exhibitions. Strictly speaking, American breeding retrievers are the best in the world. For example, the champion of Pall Mall a few times performed in Europe in the competition for the title of “Best in Show” and won the honorary title “Winner” in the class of “Toy”. Spitz American breeding and not just won at international exhibitions.
Small size, docile and cheerful character, good health make orange different pet and companion

picture of pomeranian puppy on blue font

Baby pomeranian breed dog, white coat on blue font

Bitter orange. Official Standard
Approved June 10, 1991

General view. Pomeranets compact, harmoniously combined dog. In his eyes, recognized outstanding intellect and cheerful, energetic character.

Weight, proportion, composition. Weight exhibition orange – 1,4 – 3,2 kg. Ideal weight – 1,8 – 2,3 kg. Dog harmoniously proportioned, compact and sturdy. Finiteness of the mean. Enclosure with rounded true and last long edges. Chest is deep enough and not too broad.

The head is proportional to the body, wedge-shaped, with a sly, “fox”, the expression of the eyes. Sparkling eyes, dark, medium size, almond-shaped, standing not too wide and not too close. Eyelid black, except for dogs, brown and blue color for which they meet the color. Ears small, erect, set high and wide. The skull is slightly convex. Snout with a sharp transition from forehead to muzzle, fine, but not pointed. Lip color black, except for dogs, brown and blue color, lip color that corresponds to the color. Nose black, except for dogs, brown and blue color, which color corresponds to the nose color. Scissor bite, where the inner side of upper incisors merges with the outer side of the lower incisors. If only one tool does not apply to another – is not considered a snack or overshot.
Faults: Round, domed calvaria; snack

two pomeranian babies-male and female, baby dogs

Two  pomeranian babies with soft white and brown coat

Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is rather short, set high and smoothly into the withers. Topline: Straight. Housing strong, with ribs, rounded. Chest is deep enough and not too broad. Tail – a feature of the breed: Set on high, tight to the spine.

Forequarters. Vanes sloping, allowing orange and proudly hold up the neck. Legs straight and parallel to each other, of medium length in relation to the body. The pasterns are vertical. Fifth fingers may be removed. Bitter orange is standing on his fingers.
Flaws: sloping pasterns.

Hind limbs. Paw placed perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other, hocks turning neither outside nor inside. Dewclaws removed. Pomeranian stands firmly on his fingers.
Faults: Cow hocks.

Coat. Wool consists of a short, soft, dense undercoat and a long, rough and shiny casing wool, stiff to the touch. Over the long, thick, straight and sticking out the hair on the neck forms a “collar”. Tail well feathered. The front legs are well feathered, rear – are covered with long hair on top of the thigh to the shank. Allowed to cut hair around the paw to hock, hair sticking up on the edges of the ears and around the anus.
Flaws: soft, tight-fitting or vertically standing coat (open shirt); excessive grooming (in places not specified in the standard).

Color. In specialized exhibitions in the Open class, dogs are divided by color in the following order: 1) bright red, orange, cream and sable, and 2) a bright black, brown and blue, and 3) any other allowable bright color.
Recognized colors are valued equally. Allowed any solid color, any solid color with a lighter or darker shade of the same color, any solid color with a touch of sable or black, brindle, sable, black and tan.
Black and Tan: black color with yellow or red-red, well-defined markings over eyes, on muzzle, throat, front of chest, legs, paws and a tail.
Spotted: white color with evenly distributed in small patches on the body and a white blaze on his head.
Flaws: white chest, paws or limbs of dogs solid color (except white).

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