Sunday, April 3, 2011

German Shepherd

Posted: 02 Apr 2011 08:30 AM PDT

adult male and female German Shepherds lying in the wood

Adult German Shepherds lying in the forest

BRIEF HISTORY: The German Shepherd was bred by crossing the South – German squat, massive-type sheep, and Wrttemberg more lightweight, vysokonogoy varieties of German Shepherds. Great success for the breed was that outstanding dog handlers at the time categorically insisted that the breeding of German Shepherd is not only focussed on the cultivation of exterior forms, and that it was based on official figures. This kept the German Shepherd at the proper level and increase its popularity. Was carried out many experiments breeding sheep with a wolf in order to bring her typical wolf properties – restlessness during prolonged running at a trot, and etc Unfortunately, hybrids and their descendants, both inherited and those properties which are inherent to the wolf and reduce the value of the German Shepherd – cunning, cowardice, the intractability of training, poor subjection to man. At present, breeding of this breed is clean and based on careful selection of the best animals on the exterior and service qualities. In Europe, the shepherd is very popular and one of the most common species. The principle of breeding German Shepherds – Selection of service qualities that are evaluated not only on tests, but also in the daily work of investigative service for the protection of state borders, support of the blind, etc.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: This dog is above average height, elongated, firm, well-developed muscles, bones, dry and sturdy. Index of prolixity and severity of limb angles designed to provide sweeping and easy pace. Wool resists all weather conditions. The dog must be beautiful, but it should never come at the expense of service quality. Sexual type clearly expressed – in appearance dog must differ from females. A characteristic feature of the German Shepherd is a tireless and ability at any moment be ready for business use. If necessary, showing the courage and malice, protects the owner and his property. Attacks on the orders of humans and, at the same time to be a peaceful home environment, gentle with children, do not touch the animals, to be strict and distrustful of strangers.

ALLURE: Typical is the trot, during which the limbs move diagonally, ie, after moving the hind limb should be located on the diagonal forelimb. Therefore, the legs should have such length and angulation to no noticeable change in the backline dog could expose their hind legs under the mid-torso and also to make sweeping out his front legs. When the correct ratio of height at withers and length and at the appropriate length of limbs occurs sprawling, creeping trot, producing the impression of light and a tireless movement. In this gait the head pushed forward and held horizontally, and the tail slightly raised. In this case, a gently moving line running from the ends of the ears, neck and back through to the end of the tail

five adult German Shepherds sitting together on the ground, guard dogs, police dogs, smart dogs

Five German Shepherds staying together in the wood

BEHAVIOUR AND CHARACTER: The properties of the German Shepherd are more valuable stronghold of the nervous system, visual flair and hearing care, sensitivity, loyalty and integrity, as well as the courage and malice

HEAD: proportional body, not coarse, dry, somewhat extended between the ears. The forehead when viewed from the front and side slightly convex. Longitudinal grooves on the forehead poorly expressed or absent. Cheeks slightly rounded on the sides and not limiting. The forehead when viewed from above gradually tapers smoothly from ears to snout. Go to the muzzle not sharply pronounced.

Muzzle: Strong, wedge-shaped, his lips tight, dry and well-fitting to the jaws. Nasal bridge straight, almost parallel to the extended line of the forehead.

Stop: Marked.

Jaws / Teeth: Very strong, compact, scissor bite. Deviation from normal occlusion in any case are not allowed.

Eyes: Medium size, oval, somewhat obliquely set with lively and intelligent expression.

Ears: Medium size, wide at the base, set high and erect, pointed, ends directed forward, upward. Dogs with cropped and hanging ears are rejected. Puppies up to 4-6 months of age, and sometimes longer, the ears are half – Hanging or drooping.

NECK: Strong, medium length, with well-developed muscles. In the excited state of the dog’s neck keeps high, typically, she carries it horizontally.

BODY: Chest deep but not too broad, oval. Abdomen moderately tucked up. The back is straight and strong, not too long. Loins broad and firm, croup long and gradually descends to the base of the tail. Body length must be greater than the height at the withers. Dogs abbreviated format (square), long legs are subject to culling.

TAIL: Heavily overgrown with hair length reaches to the hock joint or tarsus to the ground. At rest the dog holds it down down, slightly curved saber. When excited by the tail bends and rises strongly, but not above the back line. The tail should not hang perfectly straight down or to be rolled ring and throw back to back. Artificially truncated the tail is not valid

Two cute German Shepherd puppies playing in front of the door

Baby German Shepherd playing in front of the door


Shoulder blades are long, sloping, flat adjacent form with the humerus approximately a right angle. Shoulders should be well muscled. Forearm when viewed from all sides are straight. Pasterns strong and springy, somewhat obliquely raised.

Thighs broad and well muscled, thighs relatively long and when viewed from the collection are located obliquely in relation to long shins. Hock and metatarsal must be massive and strong.

FEET: Oval in shape, with tightly clenched fingers arched. Crumbs finger very hard. Nails short and dark. On the hind legs are sometimes dewclaws. They should be removed shortly after the birth of the puppy in the future, they may cause confusion hocked.

Cute German Shepherd puppy lying under the chair

German Shepherd puppy lying under the chair

HAIR: 1. German Shepherd dog with short hair. Ear hair is straight, harsh and tight, densely located. Head, ears, front side of the legs and feet covered with short hair, neck hair slightly longer and harder. On the rear side of the forearm to the wrist hair longer. On the back of the thigh to the hock produced moderate feathering. The length of wool in this group of dogs are different, so there are many transitional forms. Too short a vicious one. 2.Nemetskaya sheepdog with a long stiff hair. Individual guard hairs in these dogs longer, not always straight and not close to the body. This is especially noticeable on the ears, which are sometimes formed bundles inside the ears and behind them on the back of the forearms and thighs, where there are long tow. In the lumbar region the hair longer. The tail is fluffy with a slight dewlap. This type of German Shepherd is considered undesirable because more sensitive to temperature conditions. Recommended for use only individuals with well developed undercoat. 3. Long-haired German Shepherd. Wool is much longer than dogs with long, stiff hair, and in most cases, the ridge is divided parting. The undercoat is available only in the lower back or none at all. This type of dog common narrow chest and a thin elongated snout. Endurance and ability to service long-haired shepherd dogs significantly lowered. For the further breeding of them are not permitted to apply.

COLORS: Black, gray-shaded, ash – gray, monotonous or symmetrical red, yellow or whitish – gray markings, dark – smoky (sooty tide on a gray or light – a gray background with the corresponding symmetrical markings), the so-called “wolf” color, the original color of wild dogs. A small amount of white spots on the chest. The undercoat is always lighter shade, except for black dogs. The final color of puppies can be determined only after the onset of guard hairs.


Height: Males 65 cm, females 55-60 cm

a tolerance of 2 cm in either direction


All the shortcomings encountered in the rock, said the weakening of the productivity of this breed, influence the suitability of use. Excluded from breeding dogs with defects in behavior: phlegmatic, nervous, sluggish or overly excitable, cowardly. Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism excludes a dog from breeding use. Insufficient breed, weakened color: albino dogs, white dogs (almost white and white with black nose). Overgrown or nedorostki. Dogs on high legs and too short format. Dry the constitution, or vice versa, loose or wet. Soft back, bluff of limbs, as well as all the flaws that affect the sprawling and endurance in motion. Too short, blunt, too thin, pointed or too elongated, light muzzle. Deviation from normal occlusion and weak or brittle teeth. Too soft, too short or too long coat and no undercoat. Omitted or incorrectly set ears. Curved sickle or ring, twisted and generally bad holding on to its tail. Cropped ears and docked tail. Congenital kutsehvostost

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