Thursday, September 5, 2013

Exercises with your dog can be an Extraordinary way to lose weight.

Posted: 04 Sep 2013 08:10 AM PDT

Do you know that there are thousands of exercise programs and so many videos and books claiming to be the best losing weight methods? We went researching for exercises which includes dogs and their owners. Some of the main experts helping us ,are real health and wellness experts. We found some tips on how to make your day funny and helpful with doing exercises with your dog.

Man and Dog  Exercises with your dog can be an Extraordinary way to lose weight.

1.The pet health is directly linked with their owner's health. So if the owners way of living isn't prone to going out for exercising, probably he is not get out to exercise their dog too. One of the most adaptive animals are dogs, and unfortunately they adapt to their owners unhealthy way of living.

2.Dogs gets the same diseases like humans like cancer, diabetes and heart disease so the best way to improve your love to your pet is to exercise with it and healthy food in proper amount.

3.You can make weight loss fun for both of you if you cooperate your exercises and walking together. The main step for a stronger relationship between you and your dog is to taking it for walks and runs.

Every dog is different and the most active are greyhounds which can reach 45 miles per hour with running. If you own a greyhound you should be prepared to run a lot. Greyhounds are great for marathoners and triathletes. Some famous athletes used greyhounds in their own training.

Best exercise coach and motivator can be your own dog-made your dog to be your weight loss calculator.

The best way to run and walk with your dog is to set a daily routine, in other words try to exercise at the same time each day. Mornings are great for exercising because they help to disperse the pent-up energy your dog accumulates during the night. It's great for humans too. The more you run with your dog, the more your dog will expect it. On those days when you don't feel like getting off the couch your dog will nudge, pull, and whine until he gets his daily exercise. Instead of viewing this behavior as annoying, you can see it as motivating.

Do you know that there is an extraordinary way to have fun and lose your weight for real. Yes that's true and the method is "Running with your dog".

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