Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Animals Zoo Park

Animals Zoo Park

Unbelievable Strange Pictures - Half Man Half Tree

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 02:46 AM PDT

Tuesday, June 29, 2010



Penelitian Rumput Laut Primadona Kurang Berkembang

Posted: 29 Jun 2010 06:37 AM PDT

Penelitian Rumput Laut Primadona Kurang Berkembang

Pengembangan penelitian dan pemanfaatan rumput laut (mi-kroalga) masih sedikit. Dari 682 jenis algae yang ditemukan di Indonesia, baru sekitar 20 spesies yang dikembangkan. Dari jumlah itu, ada tiga jenis saja yang menjadi primadona industri.

Ketua ikatan Fikologi Indonesia (IFI), Rachmaniar Rachmat mengatakan, pemanfaatan dan penelitian rumput laut dan jenisnya di Indonesia, belum mencapai 10 persen. "Penelitian yang ada diawali dari jenis-jenis yang sudah umum saja. Penelitian ke jenis lainnya masih belum berkembang, padahal potensinya besar," ujar Rachmaniar yang juga peneliti di Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), di Jakarta belum lama ini.

Menurutnya, ada beberapa jenis rumput laut yang sudah menjadi primadona, yaitu Eucheuma cottonii dan Gracillaria verucosa yang sering dipakai untukpembuatan agar-agar. Kedua jenis ini menjadi rumput laut primadona komoditas ekspor maupun bahan baku industri pengolahan dalam negeri.Ia mengatakan, para ilmuan peneliti rumput laut menyadari bahwa rumput laut dan mikroalga harus terus diteliti dan dikembangkan sehingga jumlah dan jenis yang dimanfaatkan semakin meningkat. Dengan demikian, pemanfaatan kedua sumber daya alam tersebut lebih optimal tercapai. Selama ini, menurutnya, pemanfaatannya lebih sebagai sumber fikokoloid atau sebagai sayuran.

Kurangnya penelitian dalam mikroalga juga disampaikan oleh Peneliti Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), Jana Anggadiredja. Menurutnya, penelitian soal rumput laut baru berkembang pada 1980-an. Ia mengatakan, penelitian rumput laut kurang diminati karena dananya kecil, perhatian pemerintahrendah, industri belum berkembang pesat.

Ironisnya, permintaan rumput laut cukup besar. Jana yang bergabung dalam Indonesian Seaweed Society (ISS) menegaskan, pemerintah saat itu tak menjadikan rumput laut sebagai target untuk menjadi komoditas unggulan. Padahal, pihaknya berpikir bahwa pengembangan rumput lauat merupakan salah satu solusi peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat di wilayah pesisir yang umumnya rakyat kurang mampu.

Menurutnya, bidang yang bergerak dalam rumput laut hanyalah peneliti dan industri. Indonesia sendiri, menurutnya, hanya mengembangkan dan membudidayakan beberapa jenis yang menjadi primadona saja. "Padahal, masih banyak jenis alga lain yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan," ujarnya.Saat ini, penelitian rumput laut diharapkan bisa mengembangkan jenis pri-madona lain dan potensi baru. Jenis-jenis lain yang potensial menjadi primadona adalah spesies untuk bioe-thanol, alternatif pangan, dan lain-lain. "Hanya, ada beberapa jenis seperti sargo-. sum yang terkendala dalam hal budi dayanya," ujarnya.

Awalnya, penelitian soal mikroalga dilakukan di Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Utara, dengan dukungan dari industri. Setelah itu, penelitian dan pengembangan rumput laut pun berkembang di Bali dan Sulawesi Selatan, dan menyebar ke beberapa daerah.Benih untuk jenis Coto-nii, tadinya berasal dari Filipina. "Waktu itu kita membawa sebanyak 1.950 gram. Jumlah itu cukup untuk dikembangkan dan menjadi primadona hingga sekarang, termasuk rumput laut genus Glacillaria yang berasal dari Taiwan. Saat ini, kita tak perlu impor benih. Kita bisa kuasai benih sendiri," ujarnya.dewi mardiani. *d andina

Sumber: Republika, 29 Juni 2010 H. 25


Posted: 28 Jun 2010 06:18 PM PDT


Bentuk tubuh cacing ini menyerupai rambut dengan panjang badan antara 1-3cm dengan tubuh berwarna merah kecoklatan dengan ruas-ruas. Cacing ini hidup dengan membentuk koloni di perairan jernih yang kaya bahan organik. Cacing ini meiliki 57% protein dan 13% lemak dalam tubuhnya.

Cacing sutra merupakan hewan hermaprodit yang berkembang biak
lewat telur secara eksternal. Telur yang dibuahi oleh jantan akan membelah
menjadi dua sebelum menetas.

Bahan organik yang baik untuk digunakan oleh cacing sutra adalah
campuran antara kotoran ayam, dedak (bekatul) dan lumpur. Berikut teknik budidaya cacing sutra:

1. Persiapan Bibit
Bibit bisa dibeli dari toko ikan hias atau diambil dari alam
Note: Sebaiknya bibit cacing di karantina dahulu karena ditakutkan
membawa bakteri patogen.

2. Persiapan Media
Media perkembangan dibuat sebagai kubangan lumpur dengan ukuran 1 x 2 meter yang dilengkapi saluran pemasukan dan pengeluaran air. Tiap tiap kubangan dibuat petakan petakan kecil ukuran 20 x 20 cm dengan tinggi bedengan atau tanggul 10 cm, antar bedengan diberi lubang dengan diameter 1 cm.

3. Pemupukan
Lahan di pupuk dengan dedak halus atau ampas tahu sebanyak 200 – 250 gr/M2 atau dengan pupuk kandang sebanyak 300 gr/ M2.

4. Fermentasi
Lahan direndam dengan air setinggi 5 cm selama 3-4 hari.

5. Penebaran Bibit
Selama Proses Budidaya lahan dialiri air dengan debit 2-5 Liter / detik

6. Tahapan Kerja Budidaya Cacing Sutra
Cacing sutra atau cacing rambut memang telah sejak lama dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu alternatif pakan ikan. Harga jual yang relatif tinggi, membuat bisnis cacing sutra cukup banyak dilirik orang.

Namun sayangnya, tidak banyak orang yang memahami teknis pembudidayaan cacing sutra ini. Berikut tahapan kerja yang harus dilakukan dalam pembudidayaan cacing sutra.

• Lahan uji coba berupa kolam tanah berukuran 8 x 1,5 m dengan kedalaman 30 cm. Dasar kolam uji coba ini hanya diisi dengan sedikit lumpur.

• Apabila matahari cukup terik, jemur kolam minimum sehari. Bersamaan dengan itu, kolam dibersihkan dari rumput atau hewan lain yang berpotensi menjadi hama bagi cacing sutra, seperti keong mas atau kijing.

. Pipa air keluar atau pipa pengeluaran dicek kekuatannya dan pastikan berfungsi dengan baik. Pipa pengeluaran ini sebaiknya terbuat dari bahan paralon berdiameter 2 inci dengan panjang sekitar 15 cm.

. Usai pengeringan dan penjemuran, usahakan kondisi dasar kolam bebas dari bebatuan dan benda-benda keras lainnya.

Hendaknya konstruksi tanah dasar kolam relatif datar atau tidak bergelombang.

. Dasar kolam diisi dengan lumpur halus yang berasal dari saluran atau kolam yang dianggap banyak mengandung bahan organik hingga ketebalan dasar lumpur mencapai 10 cm.

. Tanah dasar yang sudah ditambahi lumpur diratakan, sehingga benar-benar terlihat rata dan tidak terdapat lumpur yang keras.

. Untuk memastikannya, gunakan aliran air sebagai pengukur kedataran permukaan lumpur tersebut. Jika kondisinya benar-benar rata, berarti kedalaman air akan terlihat sama di semua bagian.

. Masukkan kotoran ayam kering sebanyak tiga karung ukuran kemasan pakan ikan, kemudian sebar secara merata dan selanjutnya bisa diaduk-aduk dengan kaki.

. Setelah dianggap datar, genangi kolam tersebut hingga kedalaman air maksimum 5 cm, sesuai panjang pipa pembuangan.

. Pasang atap peneduh untuk mencegah tumbuhnya lumut di kolam.

. Kolam yang sudah tergenang air tersebut dibiarkan selama satu minggu agar gas yang dihasilkan dari kotoran ayam hilang. Cirinya, media sudah tidak beraroma busuk lagi.

. Tebarkan 0,5 liter gumpalan cacing sutra dengan cara menyiramnya terlebih dahulu di dalam baskom agar gumpalannya buyar.

. Cacing sutra yang sudah terurai ini kemudian ditebarkan di kolam budi daya ke seluruh permukaan kolam secara merata.

. Seterusnya atur aliran air dengan pipa paralon berukuran 2/3 inci.

7. Panen
Cacing Bisa dipanen setelah 8-10 hari.

sumber : Bambang Sunarno, IN AzNA Books, 2010

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

Yes indeed, dogs and cats do dream!

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 05:08 PM PDT

I love it when scientific studies finally come out and validate what pet owners know to be fact long before science says it’s so. A recent study showed that cats, dogs, and rats all dream. (but I’ll bet you already knew that!)

How many pet owners have gotten a chuckle out of watching their dog sleep while its paws race frenetically in place? Many figured that Rover was romping somewhere in dreamland, and scientists say they were right: Pets do dream while sleeping.

As dogs and cats doze, images of past events replay in their minds much the same way humans recall experiences while dreaming, said Matthew Wilson of MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory in Cambridge, Mass. That’s because the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in memory, is basically wired the same way in virtually all vertebrates and mammals, he said.

“If you compared a hippocampus in a rat to a dog; in a cat to a human, they contain all of the same pieces,” said Wilson, an associate professor of brain and cognitive sciences.

Like people, pets go through multiple stages of sleep, from periods of slow wave sleep to REM (rapid eye movement), where most dreaming occurs.


In dogs, research shows the frequency and length of dreams is linked to their physical size, said psychologist Stanley Coren, author of several books including How Dogs Think: Understanding the Canine Mind.

For example, he said, mastiffs and Great Danes might dream every 45 minutes for about five minutes, compared to their smaller canine cousins that enter a dream state every 10 minutes with episodes lasting less than 60 seconds.


But what do our pets dream about? Researchers believe they know the answer. Older studies, done decades ago in cats, involved temporarily releasing the suppression of motor activity that happens during REM sleep so they’d act out their dreams.

What researchers witnessed is sleepwalking cats doing things they’d normally do while awake – walking, swatting their forepaws, even pouncing on imaginary prey.

Similar research showed the same held true for dogs.

“Pointers point at dream birds, and Dobermans growl at dream burglers,” Coren said.

Read the rest of Dogs dream of past experiences.

One thing I found really interesting is that bigger dogs dream for longer periods of time than smaller dogs. Since both of my dogs are about the same size, I can’t test that theory, but I do know Lydia has more active dreams than Archie. She twitches, whimpers, and lets out little yips while Archie tends to keep his dreaming to himself.

Monday, June 28, 2010

All the Creatures

All the Creatures

Unicorn - the other white meat - WTF?

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 09:19 PM PDT

Apparently a web store called ThinkGeek ran an April’s Fool joke ad poking fun at spam. Calling the product, canned Unicorn meat, “the NEW white meat.” Well it got the attention of the pork marketing people and they wrote a 12 page cease and desist letter. Didn’t they know that Unicorns don’t exist? I know [...]

Gloris kennel by Olga Seliverstova

Posted: 28 Jun 2010 03:57 AM PDT

Gloris Giant and Miniature schnauzers from Russian, Have one lady from my Facebook member her name calling Olga Seliverstova. She have a great kennel. Gloris kennel started in 1981. That was the giant schnauzer. And then it went on… Kennel, shows, breeding. In 1995 miniature schnauzers joined our team and rapidly filled our show life.

World Dog Show in Denmark

Giant schnauzers black

Gloris Lincoln – САCIB, World Winner – 2010

Gloris Shock Dog- CACIB, BOB, BIG-3, World Winner – 2010
Giant schnauzers pepper&solt

Gloris Blue Steel – CACIB, World Winner – 2010

Mini schnauzer black

Gloris X-Mission – CACIB, World Winner – 2010
Mini schnauzer black&silver

Djakartas Isn`t It – CACIB, World Winner – 2010

Olga Seliverstova able hold 3 Giant Puppy in hands.

For more information Please visit  Gloris kennel




Betta Care: Points to Remember

Posted: 27 Jun 2010 09:55 AM PDT

Betta Care: Points to Remember
by: Michael Hickmon

Once you have chosen the living space for your betta fish, then you are almost ready to add your fish to their new environment but there are some important points that you should take into account for optimum betta care to keep your fish free from danger and disease and to keep them healthy.

When decorating your betta's home you should:

1. Take care to avoid jagged rocks and decorations because the betta fish could tear their fins on these. Stick to smooth surfaces when thinking about optimum betta care.

2. Make sure that you avoid any hard plastic plants as they can damage the betta's fins because they can be quite rough. If you are not sure about the roughness of the plants, then why not try the 'pantyhose test.' Rub the plastic plant over a pair of pantyhose and if they snag or rip them then this means that the plants might damage the betta's fins. To be safe, by silk plants to increase betta care and happiness.

3. You don't have to use live plants but they can be a great addition to the betta fish tanks. Betta's enjoy hiding in the leaves to sleep and they can be much prettier than silk plants- and gentler on the betta's fins.

Another important point to consider when it comes to betta care is the water preparation. You should always use a water conditioner for any fish when putting tap water into a tank, and it is important to note that chlorine in the water can be harmful to betta fish. You can also let the water stand for a few days to remove the chlorine, but it is still very important to use a conditioner to remove chloramines.

When you fill your tank, you should fill it to about 80% of its capacity if it is an open top tank because when motivated, betta fish can jump over 3 inches! And you don't want your fish to leap out all over the place. you can use a mesh cloth which sits over the top of the tank so that the fish are not encouraged to jump and your can add extra water which will make the betta fish happier and can access the surface air easier. Before you add the fish to the tank, be sure to test the temperature of the water, it must be maintained at 78-82 degrees so a small heater will make this easier to do because the water temperature is often cooler than room temperature. You are now ready to add your betta fish to the tank!

About The Author
The author has created a review site that provides you with the most in-depth and complete analysis of the best betta care guide called Caring for Betta Fish.

Visit the author's web site at:

Sunday, June 27, 2010



Used Cars For Sale On eBay

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 10:53 AM PDT

Used Cars For Sale On eBay

by: Sydney Johnston
There are thousands of used cars for sale on eBay every
single day. In fact, eBay Motors is the most profitable
sales division on eBay and naturally there are many
entrepreneurs who are interested in jumping into this
market. For instance, eBay claims it sells an SUV every nine
seconds and is the biggest online car dealer in America,
exceeding the traditional car companies. In fact, there are
15 million cars sold over the Internet each year - and

The recent rapid growth of the consignment business model
has made the used car market even more enticing. Many
sellers are able to sell cars they have never even seen and
with no more risk than the cost of the auction listing. Some
negotiators even persuade the car owner to pay for the ad,
thereby risking no more than their time.

The biggest single issue for this business model is the
trust of prospective buyers. After all, paying thousands or
tens of thousands of dollars for a car sight unseen is an
awesome leap of faith. Even buying for a plane ticket to go
see a car before paying causes buyers to be uncomfortable.

The best way sellers can overcome this fear is to use an
escrow service. The one chosen by eBay is, which
handles eBay auctions in the US and Canada.

An escrow service acts as a neutral third party. In an
exchange of merchandise, the buyer sends his money to and the seller ships the product to the buyer.
The buyer usually has two days to inspect his purchase, and
if he is happy, he notifies the excrow company who releases
the money to the seller, minus its fee. If the buyer is
dissatisfied, he returns the undamaged merchandise to the
seller, and after the seller receives his merchandise back
(in satisfactory condition), the escrow company returns the
buyer's money. Thus both sides in the transaction are
protected. The buyer almost always pays the fees for this,
although sometimes buyer and seller split the cost. has created its "Vehicle Services Division"
specifically for dealing with the used cars, trucks, SUVs
and almost anything else with wheels and a motor. The buyer
can have a 160 point inspection performed before agreeing to
the purchase. This is an inexpensive service and certainly
will save the buyer any headaches.

* The buyer pays a $125 fee that is non-refundable
* The seller is contacted and the inspection is carried out
* The buyer receives a report
* The buyer chooses to go ahead with the purchase - or not

Another choice for the buyer is to deposit his payment with and then take delivery of the vehicle. The
seller ships the car after he knows the money is secure with
the escrow company. The seller must provide tracking
information, which is verified by

The buyer has between one and 30 days to thoroughly inspect
his new purchase (the period is negotiated between the two
parties ahead of time). If this time expires and the escrow
company has not heard from the buyer, it assumes he is happy
and gives the purchase price to the seller.

The buyer may return his vehicle if he isn't happy and
sometimes buyers and sellers work out partial payment
agreements, the buyer being satisfied with some parts of the
transaction, but not with others. If a dispute arises, it is
settled by the American Arbitration Association.

The fee for this service is:

* $0 - $7,500 = value of vehicle: $125
* $7,500.01 to $15,000: $170
* $15,000.01 to $30,000: $200
* $30,000.01 to $50,000: $275
* $50,000+ = 6% of the value

Once both parties have agreed, the title transfer process
begins and will guarantee this too, for a fee of
$95. Title transfers are handled by Centerpoint Diversified
Services which works in all 50 states. The fee, naturally,
doesn't include any transfer costs - it is only insurance
that the title will be expedited to the satisfaction of both
parties. also offers a service that will ship cars almost
anywhere in the world and will gather an auto history report
to inform sellers if their new chariot has been salvaged or
stolen, suffered flood or hail damage, been in a fire or
accident, has had an odometer rollback or has been used as a
police car, a rental or a taxi.

Anyone considering offering used cars for sale on eBay would
be well advised to thoroughly learn the services available
through and offer those to prospective buyers.
The trust factor will skyrocket and your chances of
completing sales will dramatically increase.

About the author:
Learn how to sell on eBay with 16 hours of online instruction taught by a 10 year eBay veteran. Own an eBay business instead of an eBay hobby.

Circulated by Article Emporium

USP on eBay

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 10:34 AM PDT

USP on eBay

by: Greg Hayes
If you have dabbled at all in the world of Internet marketing, you may have heard the term "unique selling proposition" or USP. USP is a technique that Internet marketers use to set themselves apart from the competition. Internet marketing is highly competitive and highly saturated. In order to be successful, it is vital that the Internet marketer present himself as being unique and different from his competitors especially when many of them are selling the same products.

It is also just as vital to have a unique selling proposition on Ebay. I am amazed at the number of Ebay sellers that are either unaware or just don't care about the importance of having a unique selling proposition. A case in point: A while back, I was researching some products on Ebay from a wholesale company called B&F System. B&F System is a wholesale only company that carries a variety of brand name products. One of the brands they carry is called Maxam. I came across several Maxam leather jackets on Ebay while searching ended auctions. Now here's the kicker. About a dozen or so of these leather jacket auctions were exactly the same. They all used the same image of a guy modeling the jacket that was captured from the B&F website. They even used the exact ad copy used by B&F!

What was the result? Only one of the sellers was able sell any jackets. The top bid was only $26. And since he purchased the jackets from B&F for $20, he made about $5.00 profit after Ebay fees. That's a slim profit for an item that normally retails for $95.

Always keep in mind that the amount of effort you put fourth on you auctions will be in direct proportion to the amount of return you get from your auctions. The sellers who put up the jacket auctions put fourth little effort by using stock photos and ad copy from the B&F website, and therefore received little or no sales from their auctions. The sellers in this case might think that using stock photos makes their auctions look more professional. It's just the opposite. These auctions look very amateurish. Using a picture of someone modeling a garment will not entice people to bid on your auction. Using three or four high quality pictures of the actual item along with a detailed description will entice people to bid. Remember that buying apparel off the internet is not like buying music CD's or software. You don't need to worry if a CD will fit. You don't need to see multiple pictures of a box of software to know what you'll be getting. However, when selling apparel, good quality pictures and a detailed description are vital. You should use a good quality digital camera to take pictures of the item from different angles. If you're selling jackets or coats, include a picture of the lining as well. In your description, don't just say it's a large size. Give measurements of the garment including overall length, sleeve length and chest size. If you're going to specialize in apparel, it would be a good idea to purchase a form or clothing dummy to model your apparel. Doing these things will go a long way in setting you apart from the competition and establishing a "unique selling proposition."

What ever you're thinking about selling, always look at your competition and think about how to set yourself apart. Remember that unless you're selling antiques on Ebay, there's always someone else who's trying to sell the same thing you're selling. Establishing your USP will put you on the road to Ebay success.

About the author:
Are You Tired of the scams and the get-rich-quick schemes?
Greg Hayes is founding editor of
Mammothprofits is the website devoted to helping others filter out the scams and become successful in a home based business.

Circulated by Article Emporium

Saturday, June 26, 2010

All the Creatures

All the Creatures

Dress up time for your kid, goat that is

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 07:08 PM PDT

Is it too early to talk about kids halloween costumes? I am not talking about costumes for human children but our friends, the goats. It is summer now and county fairs are in full swing along with 4-H shows and just plain fun get togethers. We always hear about doggy dress-up and if you go [...]

OneRepublic – Secrets

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 06:33 PM PDT

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess

Til' all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

My god, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars

And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Singing straight, too cold
I don't really like my flow, no, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, All my secrets away


This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Friday, June 25, 2010



Produksi Ikan Ditargetkan 10 Juta Ton pada 2011

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 07:42 AM PDT

Produksi Ikan Ditargetkan 10 Juta Ton pada 2011

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) menargetkan 147 lokasi minapolitan di seluruh kabupaten/ kota di Indonesia bisa mendongkrak target produksi perikanan hingga 10 juta ton pada 2011.

"Yang sudah ditetapkan Menteri ada 147 lokasi, untuk budi daya mendapat alokasi di 100 lokasi, sedangkan perikanan tangkap sebanyak 47 lokasi," kata Dirjen Budidaya Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Made L Nurdjana saat dihubungi, Kamis (24/6).

Namun, Made mengakui, untuk merealisasikan target tersebut, dibutuhkan tambahan anggaran, Jika tahun ini, di APBN, perikanan budi daya mendapatkan alokasi 500 miliar rupiah, pihaknya mengusulkan naik menjadi 850 miliar rupiah. "Tetapi kita tidak hanya bergantung ke APBN karena kontribusinya selama ini hanya 18-20 persen. Kita menggandeng swasta dan memanfaatkan kredit program," ungkap dia.

Sementara itu, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad mengatakan pihaknya mengajukan anggaran lima triliun rupiah untuk mendukung pencapaian target produksi perikanan 10 juta ton pada 2011.Anggaran itu relatif bisa dipenuhi. Pasalnya, saat ini, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan sudah mendapat pagu indikatif 4,7 triliun rupiah untuk 2011. "Misalkan untuk budi daya perikanan, akan kita tingkatkan dari 500 miliar - 600 miliar menjadi 1,5 triliun rupiah," tandas Fadel. aan/E-2

Sumber : Koran Jakarta 25 Juni 2010, hal.15

SUCCESS TIPS catfish breeding

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 05:30 AM PDT

SUCCESS TIPS catfish breeding

A. TIPS breeding
To start a catfish farming is not really a difficult thing if we already know the method to obtain the method of course we should ask people who are already successful breeding of catfish, but we must remember people are rarely willing to give his knowledge to others let alone all the knowledge possessed here I gave way and raising catfish in your methods.

For the first you create a pond, the pond should be excavated because of soil with a good pool for swimming catfish is farm land if there is no what may create a permanent pool, but please with seeds in seed size index to use, different land with a pond can be started with seed finely aged two weeks.

After the pond is finished, let stand in water for one week and then enter the pool of seeds depending on the size if the size of 5 x 10 x 0.70 meters can be in the content of seedlings 10 000 tail certainly remember the time you remove the seeds using plastic bags or so fish do not strees gerigen plastic bag containing the fish who in the maintenance of pool water contents little by little until the fish adjust to the new pond water and then release the fish, let the fish came out by itself from a plastic bag / gerigen.

After a two week old fish in a separate pool of small fish and large fish because catfish catfish should be cannibals, to looking for easy sorting in fish Wareng make two sizes of fish nets Wareng or 2 x 6th place in two spaces for fish ponds until harvest contents of the first 10 000 Wareng tail then two weeks at the age of the big move to Wareng other one because in a Wareng size 2 x 6 x 0.7 m able to load the 5000 piglets until harvest fish other than that it can also facilitate the harvesting of fish.

source: Bambang Sunarno, In AzNa Books, 2010


Posted: 24 Jun 2010 09:50 AM PDT

No. B.74 /PDSI/HM.310/VI/2010


"Produksi perikanan dari Tempat Pendaratan Ikan di Idi, Aceh Timur, setiap hari adalah 30-35 ton. Sebagian untuk konsumsi lokal, lainnya untuk diekspor ke Malaysia melalui Medan. Mengapa tidak langsung dari Aceh?" demikian pertanyaan yang dilontarkan oleh Dr. Miasuddin, dari Universitas Syah Kuala, Banda Aceh, dalam Workshop yang diselenggarakan oleh FAO, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, INFOFISH Kuala Lumpur, dan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan provinsi NAD, di Banda Aceh (22/6).

Ikan dari Belawan, Medan, memasuki Malaysia, kebanyakan lewat pelabuhan Lumut, negara bagian Perak. Ekspor ikan dari Medan ke Malaysia sekitar 30 ton per hari. Dibanding Belawan, Idi memang memiliki beberapa kelemahan. Prasarana dermaga, pabrik es, cold storage belum ada, stasiun bahan bakar belum memadai, alur pelabuhan sering dangkal. Dan yang lebih penting lagi, pengusaha lokal yang cukup besar untuk melakukan ekspor belum ada.

Sangat jauh dibanding dengan pelabuhan perikanan Belawan, Medan, yang memiliki 4 pabrik es, 7 unit cold storage, 8 unit galangan kapal dan aktif berbisnis 20 pedagang besar bidang perikanan.

Perjalanan laut dari Idi ke Lumut, Malaysia, selama 16 jam, memang lebih lambat 4 jam, dibanding dari Belawan ke Lumut. Akan tetapi, pengangkutan lewat darat dari Idi ke Belawan juga memakan waktu lama.

Sebetulnya saat ini hubungan dagang produk perikanan antar wirausaha Aceh dengan Malaysia telah terjalin baik. Apalagi setelah FAO memfasilitasi sistem pemasaran dan informasi hanya menggunakan SMS handphone telah menjangkau 19 kabupaten di wilayah Aceh dan mitranya di Malaysia. Oleh karenanya, penguatan Pelabuhan Perikanan Idi di Aceh Timur, dan Lampulo di dekat Banda Aceh merupakan langkah strategis yang di dukung oleh Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP).

Soen'an H. Poernomo, Kepala Pusdatin, KKP, yang memandu Workshop, menyampaikan bahwa titik kuncinya adalah tiga faktor, yakni ketersediaan prasarana, keberadaan pengusaha lokal, dan penguatan sistem pemasaran. Dalam aspek prasarana, pemerintah provinsi telah membebaskan lahan, dan KKP telah mensuplai anggaran untuk dermaga. Apabila prasarana memadai, eksportir dari Medan tentunya akan tertarik juga ke Idi, dan pengusaha lokal juga diharapkan dapat tumbuh. Alternatif lain BUMN perikanan juga dapat berperan.

Sistem informasi harga yang ada di Aceh menurut Soen'an telah menjadi model, dan KKP akan memperluas secara bertahap ke tingkat nasional, dimulai dengan provinsi yang sudah siap, yaitu Jawa Timur, Yogyakarta dan Gorontalo. Erik Hempel, salah satu pembicara yang aktif membantu FAO dan INFOFISH, sepakat dengan rencana pemantapan pemasaran oleh KKP tersebut. Konsultan dari Norwegia ini menyatakan bahwa hanya dengan pemasaran yang baik maka tujuan mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai produsen terbesar hasil perikanan pada tahun 2015 akan tercapai.

Soen'an menambahkan, pengembangan ikan dari Aceh ini memiliki arti yang strategis dalam menanggulangi kemiskinan di wilayah tersebut. Jumlah penduduk miskin di Aceh sekitar 36%, dan lebih dari 80% nelayan tergolong miskin. Padahal, Aceh memiliki potensi yang cukup besar, dengan panjang pantai 2.467 km, luas areal budidaya 43.173,5 ha, serta potensi lestari laut sekitar 493,93 ribu ton per tahun.

Benih udang dan bandeng telah terkenal berasal dari Aceh. Pengembangan akuakultur di daerah ini juga termasuk yang terbesar setelah Jawa Timur dan Sulawesi Selatan. Dalam sejarah perikanan samudera, pelabuhan Sabang juga pernah menjadi alternatif pelabuhan perikanan Benoa, Bali dan Jakarta. ***

Jakarta, 24 Juni 2010
Kepala Pusat Data, Statistik dan Informasi

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