Thursday, March 18, 2010



Pemerintah Proteksi Benih Ikan Sidat

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 11:05 PM PDT

Pemerintah Proteksi Benih Ikan Sidat

Ikan sidat atau yang dikenal di Jepang sebagai unagi, mulai menjadi incaran investor asing. Pasalnya, beberapa pengusaha dari Vietnam, Jepang, maupun Korea Selatan juga mulai mengembangkan budidaya ikan ini. Makanya, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan mulai memperketat ekspor benih ikan sidat agar tidak beredar luas ke luar Indonesia.

Tujuan proteksi tersebut adalah meningkatkan nilai tambah pembiakan ikan sidat di dalam negeri. Uniknya, "Pembudidaya ikan sidat di Jepang itu sendiri ternyata adalah orang Indonesia," jelas Made Suita, Kepala Balai Pelayanan Usaha (BLU) Tambak Pandu, Karawang, Jawa Barat akhir pekan lalu. Ia mengindikasikan, benih-benih ikan sidat yang jamak dikembangbiakkan di Korea maupun Vietnam berasal dari Indonesia.

Jepang adalah salah satu negara yang meminati ikan sidat dari Indonesia. Tapi, bila ingin mengekspor ikan sidat ke Jepang, para pembudidaya harus memenuhi persyaratan khusus menyangkut proses budidayanya. "Makanya, pembudidaya ikan sidat sulit ekspor ikan sidat ke Jepang," kata Nurdin, Kepala Bagian Budidaya BLU Pandu Karawang.

Nah, untuk menembus pasar Jepang, salah satu langkah yang jamak dilakukan pebudidaya Indonesia adalah menjalin kerjasama dengan perusahaan Jepang. Itu sebabnya, pemerintah mengembangkan ikan sidat di BLU Tambak Pandu dengan menggandeng PT Suri Tani Pemuka dan mitranya di Jepang, yaitu Asama Industry Co. Ltd. Ketiganya bekerjasama memproduksi ikan sidat di BLU Tambak Pandu Karawang dengan tujuan untuk diekspor ke Jepang.

Pemerintah juga mendorong pembudidaya ikan sidat lokal bekerjasama dengan mereka yang biasa memasok ikan sidat di pasar dunia. Menurut Made, beberapa negara di luar Jepang merupakan pasar yang sangat menarik dan belum banyak disentuh. "Yang mengkonsumsi itu tidak hanya Jepang. Taiwan, Korea Selatan, dan China juga sangat menyukai ikan ini," ujarnya.

Saat ini, benih ikan sidat sudah mulai dikomersilkan oleh sejumlah nelayan di Pelabuhan Ratu, Jawa Barat. Mereka menjual benih ikan sidat per kilogram yang berisi sekitar 5.000 benih seharga Rp 150.000. Pembelinya kebanyakan datang dari Taiwan, Korea Selatan, China, Vietnam dan Jepang.

Sumber : Harian Kontan Hal : 15

How To Care For Your Fishes Without Spending A Fortune

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 10:45 PM PDT

How To Care For Your Fishes Without Spending A Fortune
by: Partha Mitra

Whether you have a big sized aquarium with lots of fishes or just a glass bowl on your table with a couple of Gold fishes, they give you great pleasure and tranquility to see them.

Fishes are most soothing pets, but they can be real delicate too. However you can take a good care for your fishes by remembering some small tips.

Whether you are out for a couple of days, your fishes will be there waiting for you when you come back. Here are some tips to keep your fishes healthy.

1) Cleaning your aquarium or tank

Your fish survives in the water of your tank or your aquarium. Not only they eat in it but also the water gradually accumulates the bio-waste from our fishes and gravel.

So it makes a god sense to clean the aquarium and change the water once a week. Do not change the entire water immediately. Fishes are sensitive to water temperature and a sudden change may affect them. Collect your fishes in a tub or a plastic bag with some water of your tank or aquarium. Seal the plastic bag and put it safely. Then clean the aquarium and change the water. Put the plastic bag (with the fishes and water) inside the aquarium -without opening it. Let the temperature of the water inside the plastic bag change gradually to that of the new water in the aquarium. Your fishes will adapt to the new temperature. Then open the plastic bag and release the fishes inside the aquarium.

After all a clean aquarium is always more pleasant to look at.

2) Cleaning your aquarium's air pump

Dirt and gravel often coagulates the air pump making it function less efficiently. Often bio-waste accumulates in the air filter. Consider changing the air filter at least once a month or as mentioned in the air-pump manual

3) Feeding your fishes.

One big word: Do Not Overfeed your fishes. Most aquarium fishes die of overfeeding rather then underfeeding. Also leftover foods (usually your fishes will continue eating till they are in real trouble!) contaminate the water, and promote bacteria harmful to the fishes. Feed the fish small amounts, which they can consume in three to five minutes and feed them daily. And if you are going out for a couple of days in the weekend, do not try to feed them an extra quantity on Friday. Your fishes will do well on an empty stomach for a couple of days. Also it is always better not to ask your helpful neighbor not to feed your fish when you are away for the weekend. The chances are that your over-zealous neighbor will overfeed them (with a good intention, of course!).

There is sufficient food in a balanced aquarium to keep fish healthy even though not fed for a day or more.

About The Author

Partha Mitra

See my e-book on Tropical fishes at

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