Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Koi Care: How to Take Care of Your Aquatic Pet

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 03:57 AM PDT

Koi Care: How to Take Care of Your Aquatic Pet
by: Andy Fletcher

When you decide to keep Koi fish as pets, you must learn a few very basic and vital things about Koi care. Proper nutrition and water quality are the two deciding factors that you have to look at while thinking about Koi care.

Koi fishes are hardy specimens of fish and they can live for long periods of time, sometimes for more than 200 years though the average life span is around 25 to 35 years. These Koi fishes are easy going hassle free kinds of pets and don’t give much trouble to their keepers and you will find it easy to take care of them.

Koi Care â€" Pond Water Quality

One of the most critical conditions of Koi care is perhaps the quality of the water in the pond. You would be surprised to know that Koi needs fresh and good quality water for their habitat more than food. A Koi will not starve to death if it doesn’t receive food for several weeks, however, it can die in one night if the water quality turns out to be very poor.

You always have to pay attention to how you will sustain your pond water quality through proper filtration and supplies and you also have to chalk out or fix a budget for your pond water quality maintenance expenses.


Another thing to keep in mind is Koi nutrition and proper nutrition will ensure that the kois can protect themselves from diseases, they will grow up to the right proportion and size and you don’t have to worry about good body conformation.


One more thing that you should remember about Koi care is that you need to react promptly and take necessary precautionary steps or measures of redressal to combat Koi health problems and accidents. That means if the need arises, you have to even apply first aid to a sick or injured Koi or administer the correct medication.

You also have to take into account the seasonal care pattern for Koi fish. For e.g. in the spring months, Koi fishes feel their worst while summer happens to be their best season for grow out. The Koi fish usually spends the fall months preparing for the harsh cold weather of winter by generating enzymes.

And during winter months, the Koi fishes go deep into sleep or hibernation. Thus it is clear that Koi fishes require separate types of care and maintenance during the various seasons of the year.


While on the topic of Koi care, I must inform you about potential predators that can feast on your pet Koi. You have to guard your fish from raccoons for these masked and dark circled bandits have been observed to be the most common predators, if you are really serious about Koi care.

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Perketat Pengawasan Ekspor dan Impor Produk Perikanan

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 01:10 AM PDT

Perketat Pengawasan Ekspor dan Impor

Pemerintah berniat memperketat pengawasan ekspor-impor produk perikanan menyusul kian meningkatnya arus perdagangan dalam dan luar negeri. Demi pengetatan pengawasan tersebut pemerintah segera menerbitkan aturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan dan pembentukan Badan Karantina Ikan.

"Enam bulan terakhir arus perdagangan hasil perikanan terus meningkat. Ekspor lebih besar dibanding impor, tetapi pemerintah dalam hal ini KKP (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan) tetap mengawas demi pengendalian mutu dan kesehatan," kata Direktur Pemasaran Luar Negeri KKP Saut Parulian Hutagalung di Jakarta, Senin (21/6).

Sementara itu, Dirut PT Fishindo Lintas Samudera Nanang Soengkono menegaskan pengetatan pengawasan merupakan langkah positif, namun tidak boleh menghambat proses ekspor-impor. Pengawasan, kata Nanang, terutama terkait kualitas produk impor yang masuk ke dalam negeri karena selama ini kurang diper-hatikan."Rencana pemerintah memperketat pengawasan sangat bagus agar perlakuan terhadap eksportir dan importir sama. Selama ini pengetatan lebih diutamakan bagi eksportir," kata Nanang, yang mengaku sering mengekspor tuna ke kawasan Timur Tengah dan AS tersebut

Menurut Saut Parulian, kian meningkatnya impor produk perikanan untuk konsumsi maka pengendalian mutu menjadi keharusan. Regulasi impor ini mengatur dari sisi perlindungan kesehatan dan kelayakan konsumsi (sanitary and phytosanitary). Pada dasarnya aturan ini diperlakukan sama antara produk yang masuk dan keluar."Prinsipnya resiprokal, kalau produk kita keluar harus memenuhi standar negera tujuan, demikian juga produk mereka yang masuk ke sini. Semua urusan pengawasan ada di bawah Badan Karantina Ikan," kata Saut Parulian.

Saut menjelaskan, Peraturan Presiden tentang Pembentukan Badan Karantina Ikan dan Pengendalian Mutu sudah keluar dan akan dioperasikan dalam waktu dekat Fungsi dan pengendalian mutu serta keamanan pangan selama ini sudah berjalan di KKP, walaupun ditangani dua unit kerja terpisah yakni Direktorat Standarisasi dan Akreditasi di Ditjen Pengolahan dan Pemasaran serta Pusat Karantina Ikan di Setjen KKP "Peraturan Menteri KP tentang pengendalian mutu nanti merupakan regulasi pertama selama 30 tahun. Selama ini itu, kita memang tak punya aturan tentang mutu, terutama produk impor," jelas Saut

Impor Lebih Kecil

Saut mengakui, volume impor produk perikanan selama ini lebih kecil dibanding ekspor. Impor tepung ikan untuk pakan perikanan budidaya misalnya, hanya berkisar 5% hingga 7% dibanding ekspor yang mencapai 60% hingga 70%.

Data KKP pada periode Januari hingga Maret 2010 menunjukkanekspor naik 8% dibandingkan Januari - Maret 2009 yakni dari US$ 577 juta menjadi US$ 622 juta. Sedangkan data impor 2008 menunjukkan, volume tercatat 280 ribu ton dengan nilai sebesar US$ 268 juta. Tahun 2009 volume impot tercatat 332 ribu ton se-nilai US$ 300 juta, dan pada periode Januari - Maret 2009 volume impor sebesar 67 ribu ton dengan nilai US$ 58 juta. Pada Januari-Maret 2010 tercatat volume impor sebanyak 77 ribu ton dengan nilai US$ 77 juta.

Sedangkan volume ekspor 2008 tercatat 911 ribu ton senilai US$ 2,6 miliar, tahun 2009 volume impor 881 ribu ton senilai US$ 2,4 miliar, dan pada Januari -Maret 2009 volume impor 203 ribu ton dengan nilai US$ 577 juta, dan Januari Maret 2010 tercatat volume impor 235 ribu ton senilai nilai US$ 622 juta.Saut menjelaskan, meningkatnya permintaan produk perikanan ke Eropa menyusul diterbitkannya aturan Komisi Eropa No 219 Tahun 2010 yang mencabut Waji Uji Logam Berat atas produk tuna dari Indonesia.

Sedangkan meningkatnya impor, kata Saut dipicu berlakunya perjanjian perdagangan bebas antara Asean-Tingkok, serta antarnegara anggota Asean. Impor hasil perikanan Januari hingga Maret 2010 naik 32% dibandingkan Januari-Maret 2009 yakni dari US$ 58 juta menjadi US$ 77 juta, atau naik 13% dari total ekspor.Sejumlah produk perikanan seperti udang, kakap merah, tuna, cattle tish (octopus, cumi-cumi masih menjadi primadona."Khusus udang produksi kita masih terbatas meski permintaan Eropa tinggi. Produksi patin kita tinggi, tapi harga kalah bersaing dengan Vietnam," kata Saut.

Syarat API

Saut Parulian menjelaskan, pengetatan pengawasan juga mengatur persyaratan bagi importir. Persyaratan itu meliputi, Angka Pengenal Impor (API) yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemen-dag). Jika impor untuk keperluan ba-han baku industri, maka importir ha-rus memiliki API-P (produsen). Importir merupakan unit pengolahan ikan (UPI) yang menerapkan sistem jaminan mutu (HACCP).

Jika impor untuk keperluan distribusi harus memiliki API-U (umum). Selain itu, produk impor harus memenuhi standar mutu yang ditetapkan SNI, disertai sertifikat kesehatan, surat keterangan asal (certificate of origin) dari negara penghasil, memenuhi aturan pelabelan (proper labeling) dan maksimal penggelasan (glazing/soaking) produk 20%, dan harus masuk melalui pelabuhan yang ditentukan pemerintah.

"Penguatan pengawasan ekspor impor perikanan agar misi Indonesia mengembangkan industri pengolahan bisa terwujud," kata Saut Nanang menambahkan, kondisi yang membaik memacu pelaku industri meningkatkan produksi guna memenuhi kebutuhan pasar ekspor."Permintaan produk perikanan di luar negeri nyaris tanpa batas, seperti Iran dan Tingkok," kata Dirut PT Fishindo Lintas Samudera itu. Qjr)

Sumber : Investor Daily 22 Juni 2010,hal. 21

Betta Fish Care

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 09:09 AM PDT

Betta Fish Care
by: Ong Hui Woo

Betta is a popular tank fish and its maintenance is least painful. However, it does need care and you must be observant about its heath. A sick Betta is easy to spot since naturally the fish is very active and vibrant. If you have had the fish for a while you will be able to spot immediately when they are unwell.

Following tips can help you keep the Betta ecosystem healthy and vibrant:

1. A bowl large enough to allow ample swimming space is a prerequisite. The fish shouldn't bump and tear its fins or scales. A large enough tank also ensures that the water has adequate oxygen level.

2. These fish do not require filtration but need the cleanest water you can provide them. Change the water every three days to keep it clean and avoid infection in your fish. The water you add to the tank should have set out for 24 hours (aged water).

3. Bettas are also called Siamese fighting fish because the male of the species will fight each other to death! Never put two males in the same tank. Females can stay together and so can one male with many females. You can also keep your Betta with algae eaters, guppies and corydorus catfish.

4. Ensure that the bottom of the bowl or tank is debris free. You can use something as simple as a turkey baster to do this cleaning. Debris sitting at the bottom will make the water cloudy and unhygienic for the fish. They will also cause the water to smell.

5. Maintain the tank pH at 7.

6. When cleaning the tank accessories, avoid using soap because traces of soap will change the water pH.

7. Betta can jump out of tanks and bowls, so keep them covered.

8. Betta is not a fussy fish and will happily eat the Betta pellets and frozen bloodworms. However, Bettas are fond of live food such as brine shrimp, and you must serve it as a treat now and then.

About The Author
Ong Hui Woo
Betta Fish Owner

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