Saturday, February 27, 2010



key to success in fish culture

Posted: 27 Feb 2010 05:37 AM PST

key to success in fish culture

when we talk about the fish will not be separated from food, eating is a necessity of human routine. Fish is one of the provider of nutrition for humans because of the fish contains many useful proteins for the human body.
with the population growth increased the demand for fish is increasing.

To provide for those needs we will not only give priority to the production of fish from catch it, because if kept mengandalan production of the catch to potential overfishing especially when fishing out of hand. to satisfy the needs of the fish we need to increase the cultivation of fish, good fish cultivation in ponds, paddy fields, ponds, and others.
in cultivation did not always run smoothly and often encounter obstacles. therefore below we will mention some of the key to success in fish farming. is as follows:

1. selection of appropriate farming locations
adequate water sources and available throughout the year, the slope of the best pool area so as to facilitate the entry process and disposal of pool water.

2. location far from sources of pollution or waste
if the source of the contaminated pond water will result in decreased water quality, so the fish grow less well.

3. access to the pool location is easy.
Pool area is easy to visit, it is concerned at the ease in fish marketing.

4. fish culture techniques to master
need to know how to fish culture, fish preservation techniques concerns, technical pest fish diseases, water quality engineering, construction techniques.

5. employee management
employee management arrangements need to master, it relates to professional employees.

6. market access
market not far from the location of cultivation, consider the needs of the surrounding community.

Fly Fishing For Fun

Posted: 27 Feb 2010 05:11 AM PST

Fly Fishing For Fun
by: Sammy Salmon

Fly fishing is very different than fishing with a lure or worm type baits. The fly fisherman uses a artificial fly consisting of bites of feathers, foam, hide, fur, yarn, and other materials to be tried on to a hook that make it appealing to the type of fish you are catching. Every fly fisherman has his own type of flies he like to use some purchase them and then some of us like to tie our own. Fly tying is more of an art with basic training which most people can learn over a short period of time.

Dry fly fishing is the best classic form of fishing. The artificial fly is cast so that it floats on the surface of the water. As the fly passes over the fish it will rise to the surface and strike or take the fly.

With the fly rod you will attempt to stop the fish from spitting out the fly and get it tired enough so you can land it in your net. With fly fishing you will see all the action as you cast the fly and play the fish for a strike. The fly is very visible on the surface to the fish. You will see the fish take the fly on the surface however trout and other fish tend to feed under water so if you see the fish rising to the surface it is time to use a dry fly.

Wet flies will sink under the surface of the water an may be passed in front of the fish there bye causing the fish too strike at the fly,

Nymph fishing is very popular after the flies lay eggs on lakes or in streams and they hatch out as nymphs. As the nymphs make their way to the surface the fish will take them. When they get to the surface they will hatch into a flies.

When nymph fishing the imitation nymphs you us will be weighted to stay below the surface of the water. This will be far more of a challenge for you as the action all take place under the surface of the water and you will not be able to see if a fish is about to strike.

Most fish can be caught on a fly but the most common are trout, salmon, chars, and most game fish. In most areas the trout are the most popular and you will find them feeding mostly on small insects in shallow water. If you live on the coast you find salmon fishing with a fly rod a very rewarding challenge. Hooking a 30 or 40 pound salmon on a fly rod will give you a work out running up and down the beach trying to play the fish out to land it .

The fly fishing sport has gained ever increasing popularity over the years. Most will agree it just not about catching the fish but in the delivery of the fly and the skill and knowledge in the pursuit.

Some fly fisherman regard fly fishing as the holy grail of fishing. It is more relaxing and some say a better past time than golf. The sport of fly fishing see people from all walks of life. Some say it is more environmentally friends than the other type of fishing because it does less harm to the fish then other styles of fishing.

The art of fly fishing will get in to your blood and you will peruse the quite of the streams or the solitude of the ocean beaches to capture you prey. Most anglers will catch and release if they are fly fishing.

About The Author

Sammy Salmon has been having fun fishing for years and wants to share all his knowledge with you so be sure to visit him at

kunci keberhasilan dalam budidaya ikan

Posted: 27 Feb 2010 12:35 AM PST

kunci keberhasilan dalam budidaya ikan

apabila kita berbicara tentang ikan maka tidak akan lepas dari makanan, makan merupakan kebutuhan rutin manusia. Ikan merupakan salah satu penyedia giji bagi manusia karena di dalam ikan banyak mengandung protein yang berguna bagi tubuh manusia.
dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat maka kebutuhan akan ikan pun semakin meningkat.

Untuk mencukupi akan kebutuhan tersebut kita tidak hanya mengandalkan produksi ikan dari hasil tangkapan saja, karena bila terus mengandalan produksi dari hasil tangkapan akan kemungkinan terjadi overfishing apalagi kalau penangkapan ikan yang tidak terkendalikan. untuk mencukupi kebutuhan akan ikan maka kita perlu meningkatkan usaha budidaya ikan, baik usaha budidaya ikan di kolam, sawah, tambak, dan lainya.
dalam usaha budidaya tidak selamanya berjalan mulus dan sering menemui kendala. maka dari itu di bawah akan kami sebutkan beberapa kunci keberhasilan dalam berbudidaya ikan. yaitu sebagai berikut :

1. pemilihan lokasi budidaya yang tepat
sumber air yang cukup dan tersedia sepanjang tahun, kemiringan areal kolam yang baik sehingga memudahkan dalam proses pemasukan dan pembuangan air kolam.

2. lokasi jauh dari sumber pencemaran atau limbah
bila sumber air kolam tercemar maka akan mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air, sehingga ikan tumbuh kurang baik.

3. akses ke lokasi perkolaman mudah.
areal kolam mudah untuk dikunjungi, hal ini menyangkut pada kemudahan dalam pemasaran ikan.

4. tehnik budidaya ikan perlu dikuasai
perlu menguasai cara berbudidaya ikan, menyangkut tehnik pemeliharaan ikan, tehnik hama penyakit ikan, tehnik kualitas air, tehnik konstruksi.

5. manajemen pegawai
pengaturan manajemen pegawai perlu dikuasai, hal ini berkaitan dengan profesionalitas pegawai.

6. akses pemasaran
pasar tidak jauh dari lokasi budidaya, memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar.

memelihara ikan bersama padi (mina padi)

Posted: 26 Feb 2010 06:00 PM PST

memelihara ikan bersama padi (mina padi)

pemeliharaan ikan sekarang tidak hanya dilakukan pada kolam tetapi kita bisa memelihara ikan bersama padi atau yang sering kita sebut minapadi, mina padi merupakan suatu jenis cabang usaha budidaya ikan yang bisa memberikan konstribusi terhadap jumlah produksi ikan di negara kita. Jenis ikan yang sering dibudidayakan pada minapadi yaitu : ikan mas, nila, nilem, tawes, tambakan.
kegiatan usaha budidaya pada minapadi ini terbanyak pada kegiatan pemeliharaan benih. Ukuran benih biasanya cocok diberikan dengan pakan alami, dan di sawah banyak terkandung pakan alami, baik fithoplankton atau zooplankton.
kegiatan budidaya mina padi mempunyai dua keuntungan, pertama kita bisa memanen padi dan kedua kita bisa memanen ikan.
kelemahan yang sering terjadi pada usaha budidaya ikan bersama padi yaitu, sering terjadi serangan hama predator seperti lingsang, ular ataupun biawak. untuk mengatasi hama predator ini maka disekitar keliling sawah kita perlu memasang pagar pengaman khususnya pada titik-titik rawan.

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