Saturday, May 29, 2010

All the Creatures

All the Creatures

Camel Trivia

Posted: 29 May 2010 10:30 AM PDT

Did you know that the camel was one of the animals that originated on the North American continent? Along with the horse (that also originated in North America) they migrated to other parts of the globe over 15 thousand years ago. The camel does not trot like a horse but paces, with both legs on [...]



characteristics of the prospective parent fish

Posted: 28 May 2010 05:11 PM PDT

characteristics of the prospective parent fish

a. prospective parent tilapia

- Bright body color grayish black
- Form slender body of tilapia (compressed) with full and regular scales
- Member or incomplete organs, scales regularly, the body does not have a disability and there is no deformity, the body is not attached by a parasite, no lumps, gill net, gill cover normal (not thick or thin) and slimy.
- Elasticity of the body: chewy and not mushy
- Age:
Male tilapia 6-8 months
tilapia Females 6-8 months
- Total length:
Males 16-25 cm
Females 14-20 cm
- Body weight:
Males: 400-600 grams
Females: 300-450 grams

b. Prospective Parent Goldfish
- Color Clear Body
- Full of fish organs, regular scales, lateral line is not broken, the body is not disabled and there is no deformity, the body does not plastered by the parasite, and there are no lumps, gill net, gill cover normal.
- Elasticity of the body: chewy and not mushy

- Female Weight: 1.5 to 2 kg / head
- Weight Males: 0.5 to 1 kg / head

c. Prospective Parent carp fish

- Body color of brown and the belly is white or yellowish silvery.
- The body of a vertical flat carp
- Member or incomplete organs, the body is not disabled and there is no deformity, no genital defects (damage), the body remains free of pathogens, gill net, the body is not swollen / bruised and no moss, close to normal gill and body mucus.
- Age:
Males 24-30 months
Females 30-36 months
- Standard Length:
Males 30-35 cm
Females 30-35 cm
- Body weight:
Males: 1.5 to 2.0 kg / head
Females: 2.0 to 2, 5 kg / head

d. Prospective Parent Catfish
- On top of head blackish-green, dorsal top to base of tail brownish-green
- Shape the body: the head horizontally flattened, rounded body section elongated and flattened vertical tail section.
- Full of fish organs, the body is not disabled, and there is no deformity, no genital defect (damage) the body does not plastered body pathogens, gill net, the body is not swollen / bruised and not moss, close to normal gill and body mucus,
- Parent Age: Male: 8-12 months, female: 12-15 months
- Standard Length:
Males: 40-45 cm
females: 38-40 cm
- Weight:
Males: 500-750 grams / fish
female: 400-500 grams / fish

Friday, May 28, 2010

The new issue of the HOTdog Magazine №2.2010

Posted: 28 May 2010 04:13 AM PDT

On the cover:
Sh Ch Aust Ch Hungargunn Bear It’n Mind / Hungarian Vizsla /, 22.12.2002, male. Call Name – Yogi. DFS-Crufts 2010 BIS. Bred by – Mrs Naomi Cragg. Owned by – Mrs K Armstrong & Mrs N Cragg. Handled by – Mr Moray Armstrong & Mr John Thirlwell. Photo by HOTdog.

In this issue:
Main theme -
Crufts 2010 Birmingham (UK) c detailed survey of all groups.
Eurasia 2010 Moscow (Russia). Eurasia I-II “- impressions and comments.

Events -
Westminster 134. New York (USA). / Maria Evteeva /
Europasieger 2010. Dortmund (Germany). / Valeria Chernova, Tomasz Barkovskii /
Luxembourg spring ‘10. Luxembourg (Belgium) / Carl Dawnview, Gabor Zalanski /
more information about HOTdog please visit HOTdog web page

Founder, Editor in Chief: Mr Oleg Bochkov’s

Advertising Sales Director: Ms Natalia Feofanova
Photo by Olga Seliverstova



ciri-ciri calon induk ikan nila, mas, Gurame dan lele

Posted: 27 May 2010 08:54 PM PDT

ciri-ciri calon induk ikan

a. Calon Induk Ikan Nila

- Warna badan cerah hitam keabu-abuan
- Bentuk tubuh Ikan Nila pipih (compress) dengan sisik penuh dan teratur
- Anggota atau organ tubuh lengkap, sisik teratur , tubuh tidak ada yang cacat dan tidak ada kelainan bentuk, tubuh tidak ditempeli oleh parasit, tidak ada benjolan, insang bersih, tutup insang normal (tidak tebal atau tipis) dan berlendir.
- Kekenyalan tubuh : kenyal dan tidak lembek
- Umur :
Nila Jantan 6 – 8 bulan
Nila Betina 6 – 8 bulan
- Panjang total :
Jantan 16 – 25 cm
Betina 14 – 20 cm
- Bobot Badan :
Jantan : 400 – 600 gram
Betina : 300 – 450 gram

b. Calon Induk Ikan Mas
- Warna Badan Cerah
- organ tubuh ikan lengkap, sisik teratur, gurat sisi tidak patah, tubuh tidak cacat dan tidak ada kelainan bentuk, tubuh tidak ditempeli oleh parasit, dan tidak ada benjolan, insang bersih, tutup insang normal.
- Kekenyalan tubuh : kenyal dan tidak lembek

- Berat betina : 1,5 – 2 kg/ekor
- Berat Jantan : 0,5 – 1 kg/ekor

c. Calon Induk Ikan Gurame

- warna badan kecoklatan dan bagian perut berwarna putih keperakan atau kekuning-kuningan.
- Bentuk tubuh ikan gurame pipih vertikal
- Anggota atau organ tubuh lengkap, tubuh tidak cacat dan tidak ada kelainan bentuk, alat kelamin tidak cacat (rusak), tubuh bebas dari jasad patogen, insang bersih, tubuh tidak bengkak/memar dan tidak berlumut, tutup insang normal dan tubuh berlendir.
- Umur :
Jantan 24 – 30 bulan
Betina 30 – 36 bulan
- Panjang Standar :
Jantan 30 – 35 cm
Betina 30 – 35 cm
- Bobot Badan :
Jantan : 1,5 – 2,0 kg/ekor
Betina : 2,0 – 2, 5 kg/ekor

d. Calon Induk Ikan Lele
- Pada Bagian atas kepala berwarna hijau kehitaman, bagian punggung atas sampai pangkal ekor berwarna hijau kecoklatan
- Bentuk tubuh : bagian kepala pipih horisontal, bagian badan bulat memanjang dan bagian ekor pipih vertikal.
- organ tubuh ikan lengkap, tubuh tidak cacat, dan tidak ada kelainan bentuk, alat kelamin tidak cacat (rusak) tubuh tidak ditempeli jasad patogen, insang bersih, tubuh tidak bengkak/memar dan tidak berlumut, tutup insang normal dan tubuh berlendir,
- Umur induk : Jantan : 8 – 12 bulan , betina : 12 – 15 bulan
- Panjang standar :
Jantan : 40 – 45 cm
betina : 38 – 40 cm
- Bobot :
Jantan : 500 – 750 gram/ekor
betina : 400 – 500 gram / ekor

RI-AS Kerja Sama Bidang Kelautan

Posted: 27 May 2010 08:04 AM PDT

RI-AS Kerja Sama Bidang Kelautan

Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat (AS) menandatangani nota kesepahaman bersama (MoU) dalam bidang eksplorasi dan penelitian laut di wilayah Nusantara. Kemitraan strategis dalam bidang bahari ini bertujuan memaksimalkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di bidang perikanan, kelautan, dan kekayaan taman laut Indonesia.

"Ini kerja sama antara dua bangsa besar di tepian Samudra Pasifik untuk meneliti lebih Jauh kekayaan laut demi kesejahteraan rakyat," kata Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahte-raan Rakyat, Agung Laksono, usai menyaksikan penandatanganan kerja sama eksplorasi laut yang pertama antara AS dan Indonesia di pelabuhan nelayan komersial, Muara Baru. Jakarta Utara. Rabu (26/5).

Dalam penandatanganan Itu, hadir pula Menteri Perdagangan AS Gary Locke, Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Suharaa Suryapranata, dan Kepala Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan GeUwynn Jusuf. Menko Kesra menjelaskan, kemitraan kedua negara meliputi pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan, peles-tarian lingkungan laut, dan kerentanan terumbu karang, serta pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang laut. "Ini untuk pertama kalinya bagi AS dan Indonesia mengadakan ekspedisi yang didedikasikan untuk eksplorasi laut, termasuk upaya bersama mencegah penangkapan ikan secara ilegal dan tidak memiliki regulasi," katanya menjelaskan. Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan (BRKP) di bawah Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan RI bersama Badan Administrasi Nasional Kelautan Atmosferik AS (NOAA) yang merupakan bagian dari Departemen Perdagangan AS, akan melakukan kerja sama yang mengarah pada peningkatan pemahaman mulai dari pantai Indonesia ke samudra.

Bahkan, dalam waktu dekat, kapal penelitian AS, Okeanos Explorer-kata Agung-akan bergabung dengan kapal laut utama di Indonesia, Baruna Jaya IV. Dengan tujuan melakukan ekspedisi ilmiah di perairan indonesia yang selama ini belum pernah dieksplorasi.

"lni akan menjadi pelayaran perdana Okeanos Explorer, juga satu-satunya di AS yang didedikasikan untuk mengarakteris-tikkan wilayah besar samudra yang belum diketahui," katanya.

Sementara Itu, Menteri Perdagangan AS Gary Locke mengatakan, sumber daya alam yang luar biasa di perairan Asia Tenggara menopang hidup di kawasan ini dan memberikan manfaat bagi jutaan orang lain di seluruh dunia. "Maka itu, perjanjian ini menjadi langkah penting dalam kerja sama AS-ln-donesia dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi."

Sumber: Jurnal Nasional 27 Mei 2010 Hal.5

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

Hot dog: Keep your dog safe in the heat!

Posted: 27 May 2010 10:29 AM PDT

Summer heat can cause health problems, such as heatstroke, for dogs.

I tend to be a bit of a night owl, which means my day usually gets started a little later than most. In the summer that’s not so good. This morning, for example, I woke up around 7am to let the dogs out, noted how cool it was, and went back to bed. Since it was cool I thought I’d have time to snooze a bit before it heated up and that I’d take the dogs for a walk around 9. For those of you who are thinking it, yes, I’ve lived in Texas long enough to know it can heat way up between 7am and 9am. I’m going to blame my thinking it on the fact that I was half asleep though.

The thing is, the hot weather brings some challenges for dogs. People can do things to help themselves when it’s hot, but dogs . . . not so much. They rely on us to make sure they have enough water, don’t overwork themselves in the heat, and to make sure they don’t get into dangerous heat related situations. And living in a place like Texas, where it gets hotter than should be allowed, means dog (and cat) owners need to be extra mindful of their pets.

Keeping pets safe in the heat is one of many topics I talk about in the pet first aid classes I teach. Heat can cause life-threatening situations, but the good news is that they can be avoided pretty easily. Here are some of the ways you can help your pets stay safer during the heat:

  • Walk your dogs early in the morning (don’t assume it’ll stay cool like I did this morning!). Not only is the air cooler, but the sidewalks and streets will be too. Hot cement can be very painful on your dogs’ feet – and blacktop can be even worse.
  • Make sure your pets have plenty of water at all times – and make sure water bowls cannot be tipped over easily. If your dog must stay outside for whatever reason, install a auto water dispenser like the Lixit Tap Adapter or WaterDog® Automatic Outdoor Pet Drinking Fountain. Also, make sure any dogs that stay outside have a way to get out of the sun.
  • If you take your dog walking, hiking, or running, don’t overwork him as this can cause heatstroke. If your dog shows signs of heat stroke get into air conditioning as soon as possible. Some of the signs include uncontrollable panting, increased salivation, foaming at the mouth, vomiting, or confusion. If your dog does overheat, put cool (not cold) water on him to try to cool him down, and then get him to your veterinarian. Keep in mind that older dogs, dogs with health problems, and short-nosed breeds like boxers and bulldogs are prone to heatstroke.
  • Never leave your dog in a parked car unattended. If you wouldn’t sit in a car without air conditioning, don’t make your dog do it either. Leaving the windows open a little isn’t enough, and don’t be fooled into thinking you can leave the a/c running while you go run errands. If it goes off, your dog can die. It only takes a few minutes for the inside of the car to heat up to 100 or more. So, just don’t leave your dog in a car alone. End of story.

OK, so back to the morning dog walking . . . Now that we’re obviously into the summer heat, I’m going to do my best to drag myself out of bed earlier in the morning and get the dogs out for a walk. It’s good for them and it’s good for me. It just means I need to quit burning the midnight oil so much – something I’m so darn good at! Who else wants to commit to an early morning dog walk?

Oh, and if you haven’t already, come see us on Facebook.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All the Creatures

All the Creatures

The idiots guide to aquariums

Posted: 25 May 2010 03:10 PM PDT

The easiest way to have an aquarium is not to own fish. What……not own fish? Yep, that is what I just wrote. You recall the burning yule log DVD that you play during the holidays…..because you don’t have a fireplace? Well there is now an aquarium DVD for people who don’t have a fish tank. [...]

Projector headlights

You're ready to upgrade your headlights of one of the latest technologies headlight bulb? Xenon headlights and projector headlights are making a splash on the scene not only those new headlights look good, but offer better visibility at night, because of its bright headlight beams and wavelength of colors they produce, wanting to put this on your projector headlights car and not even know where to buy, because it is not more trouble to come and have all the accessories you need to modify and improve their car in one location.

From the moment you buy your car, a world of options open to modification with all auto accessories available, specializes in providing the highest quality headlights, projector headlights, rear lights, rear lights and LED auto accessories for enthusiasts and show car in the entire country, if you're going to look clean and simple or an eye catching underneath show stopper, our line of projector headlamps, taillights and auto accessories, will not disappoint.

Come then pay a visit to and find the best accessories for your car so quickly and easily, you'll find our projector lamps in various designs and colored boxes, they not only look amazing with the LEDs and halo-angel eyes, you will also find that they give excellent light output you will be proud, will buy your projector in the headlights right now

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

New website for pet owners to report pet food issues

Posted: 24 May 2010 08:05 PM PDT

The Safety Reporting Portal, run by the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health was launched today. The website allows pet owners to report problems with pet food and for drug companies to report problems related to pet medications.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health said the Web site will provide a way of reporting pre- and post-market safety data to the federal government. Currently, the Web site can be used to report safety problems related to foods, including animal feed, and animal drugs, as well as adverse events occurring on human gene transfer trials. Consumers can also use the site to report problems with pet foods and pet treats.

Officials said the new site, called the Safety Reporting Portal, provides greater and easier access to online reporting.

“The portal will be a key detection tool in improving the country’s nationwide surveillance system and will strengthen our ability to protect the nation’s health,” said FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg.

Officials said the Web site will eventually provide a common electronic reporting system that will allow an individual to file a single report to multiple agencies that might have an interest in an event.

See Food, drug safety reporting site opened, from the UPI.

You can also report problems with human food on the Safety Reporting Portal.

Monday, May 24, 2010

In Loving Memory for Jacky from Malaysia 05/09-2001 – 11/04-2010

Posted: 24 May 2010 08:06 AM PDT

Golden Retriever is my childhood dream to get a dog. I started my first job after. Jacky is a sharing pocket money with my sister and I bought him home from the pet store. He was born in 2001, September 5, he and my birthday on September 4 a difference of 1 day, and this is I love and feel how wonderful and meaningful and to celebrate birthday. I still remember when he was 7 weeks time, his chubby appearance, large eyes, simple-minded, like, really Jiaoren put it down, wait for them to immediately take him home. He is the first dog to accompany me through joys and sorrows of life have also changed my life. Our margin on from the beginning. When he came to my house on day 1, was busy taking care of his daily diet, training, toilet and so on. One went off work to go home immediately, I just want to play with him, what is not reasonable, can not wait to go to work every day with him, play. Particularly good mood. Increase the number of home atmosphere.
When he was 6 months old, I started to take him to training classes learn basic obedience training. And he is very brisk, agile, lively and intelligent, to learn. I still remember, when he graduated obedience Course, also is a big generous in around the age of, MKA host dog obedience competition, I will take part in a competition. Also live together with luck everyone hope will be temporary, and we won the national first four! This is our first game Yeah, it really makes me incredibly Yeah! Then every game, he never let me down, always among the best in the former three, and won many awards. His reputation is also well known. As a master of me, proud and glorious.
Human and dog, along really a very profound knowledge. To give love and time, care, patience, tolerance, training, and many more bits and pieces. This dog want to know what? They want what? What they need?

Original monotonous life, since Jacky’s join my social circle; my life from infected colorful colors especially in the dog sector. I have to admit that Jacky’s help to strengthen my self-confidence and career. No Jacky’s, not Steven Tan in the dog world!!
Before I go to Taiwan (11Arp2010), I have promised to him, so he retired and plan to take him to Kelantan in August vacation, but did not last long in, Jacky’s … he was sick he was tired .. down, he only accompanied me for 10 years, left me! This fight really makes me unacceptable. Maybe he is really tired! Take a long, long time to rest stop! No longer with us anymore!

By TRANSLATION : Clement, revised by ORIGIN : Steven Tan



NATURE AND BIOLOGICAL Morphological characteristics - water beetles larvae

Posted: 23 May 2010 10:17 AM PDT

NATURE AND BIOLOGICAL Morphological characteristics - water beetles larvae

Morphological traits
1. Cursory elongated body similar to centipede / centipedes (body composed of nine sections and two tail segments).
2. The body length of approximately 1.3 to 2, 5 cm (which adults can sometimes reach 3 cm).
3. Comparison of total body length with a total width of the stomach about 7: 1.
4. Yellow brown body color and some are green.
5. Has three pairs of segmented legs-sections.
6. Having a pair of highly poisonous canines right in the head end.
7. Having two pairs of antennae on the head.
8. Has exactly one pair of eyes on either side of the head.

Biological properties
1. If swimming in the water, the tip of her tail frequently to the surface.
2. Swim slowly in a rising and falling and will dive to the bottom when there is an animal nuisance.
3. Swim slowly with legs and the tip of its tail.
4. Sucking the body fluids of fish seed by first biting the abdomen.
5. Attached to the pool wall or the timber upright while spying the approaching fish.
6. Having the cannibals: kill, fight and sucking each other's body fluids.

source : Khairul Amri dan Toguan Sihombing, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

World Turtle Day reminds people to protect turtles and tortoises

Posted: 23 May 2010 12:49 PM PDT

World Turtle Day, May 23, 2010

Today is World Turtle Day.

World Turtle Day was established in 2000 as a way to let celebrate one of the oldest creatures on earth.

The American Tortoise Rescue points out that experts predict turtles and tortoises could be gone within 50 years, which means we need to do all we can to help them. They offer these tips to help save these animals:

  • Never buy a turtle or tortoise from a pet shop as it increases demand from the wild.
  • Never remove turtles or tortoises from the wild unless they are sick or injured.
  • If a tortoise is crossing a busy street, pick it up and send it in the same direction it was going – if you try to make it go back, it will turn right around again.
  • Write letters to legislators asking them to keep sensitive habitat preserved or closed to off road vehicles, and to prevent off shore drilling that can lead to more endangered sea turtle deaths.
  • Report cruelty or illegal sales of turtles and tortoises to your local animal control shelter.
  • Report the sale of any turtle or tortoise of any kind less than four inches.  This is illegal everywhere in the U.S.

As if turtles and tortoises don’t have enough to deal with from humans, the recent BP oil spill hasn’t helped them or other wildlife. It appears that turtles, tortoises, and others are dying as a result of their habitat being polluted by the oil.

At least 150 sea turtles have washed up dead or dying along the U.S. Gulf Coast since the giant oil spill off Louisiana, a higher number than normal for this time of year, a leading wildlife expert said on Monday.


This is a time of year when dead or debilitated turtles would normally begin to show up with greater frequency, but the 156 found since April 30 along the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida “are in higher numbers than you would expect,” Ziccardi said.

None of the animals had obvious signs of oil contamination. But, because of their proximity to the spill, they are being treated as possible victims of the crude oil that has been gushing from the ruptured wellhead since April 20, he said.

See the rest of the story from Reuters: Turtle deaths running high since oil spill: expert

The box turtle above wandered into my yard last week. I don’t know much at all about turtles, and wasn’t sure what to do with her. Thankfully, with advice from Jeff over at at, I relocated her to a nearby wooded area. That’s probably where she came from, although I have no idea how she found her way to my yard.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rusty Weaves Poles

Posted: 23 May 2010 06:07 AM PDT

How fun the Weaves Poles!

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Balázs Thurzó’s as LEONBERGER breeder from Hungary.

Posted: 23 May 2010 12:10 AM PDT

Balázs Thurzó’s with Zodiac Photos

Balázs Thurzó’s as LEONBERGER breeder from Hungary. He breed Nora Eurpean winner, multi country champion, multi best in show winner Lancelot (he was did last year) Eurpean and world winner, multi country champion, multi best in show winner Magic: european winner.
He own the New Wind kennel!
By Balázs Thurzó’s

Berljon Nora Nereide

Balázs Thurzó’s with loving puppy

Balázs Thurzó’s On Cover OUR DOGS page of the Biggest

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : At the end of the thirties, beginning of the forties of the 19th century, Heinrich Essig, town Councillor in Leonberg near Stuttgart, crossed a black and white Newfoundland bitch with a so-called "Barry" male from the monastery hospice Grand St.Bernhard. Later a Pyrenean Mountain Dog was added. This resulted in very large dogs with predominantly long, white coats. Essig's aim was for a lion-like dog. The lion is the heraldic animal of the city of Leonberg.
The first dogs really called "Leonbergers" were born in 1846. They combined the excellent qualities of the breeds from which they stemmed.
Only a short time later, many of these dogs were sold as status symbols from Leonberg all over the world. At the end of the 19th century, the Leonberger was kept in Baden-Württemberg as the preferred farm dog. His watch and draft abilities were much praised.
In both World Wars and the needy post war times, the numbers of breeding stock reduced dramatically. Today the Leonberger is an excellent family dog which fulfills all the demands of modern life.
UTILIZATION : Watch, Companion and Family Dog
By TRANSLATION : Mrs. C. Seidler, revised by Mrs E.Peper ORIGIN : Germany.