Saturday, May 1, 2010



KKP Bentuk Tim Terpadu

Posted: 01 May 2010 06:11 AM PDT

KKP Bentuk Tim Terpadu

Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) membentuk tim terpadu untuk menyelidiki dugaan kasus pencurian benda muatan kapal tenggelam (BMKT) yang berharga.

Salah satunya terkait pengambilan BMKT secara ilegal di Laut Utara Jawa, tepatnya di Blanakan, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan informasi, terjadi pencurian BMKT yang dipimpin warga negara asing bernama Michael Hatcher. Tidak hanya itu, warga asal Inggris ini juga membuat katalog BMKT dan berhasil melelang beberapa artefak di Balai Lelang Christiedengan transaksi mencapai belasan juta dolar AS.

"Surat keputusan pembentukan tim terpadu ini sudah saya tanda tangani. Nomornya 103 Tahun 2010. Jadi, kami akan segera menindaklanjuti informasi yang beredar tentang penjualan artefak oleh warga Inggris ini," kata Dirjen Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (P2SDKP) KKP Aji Sularso di Jakarta, Kamis (29/4).Tim yang dibentuk terdiri atas perwakilan Ditjen P2SDKP, Ditjen Sejarah dan Purbakala Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, TNI AL, Direktorat V Tindak Pidana Tertentu Bareskrim Mabes Polri, Direktorat Polisi Perairan Polri, serta Kejaksaan Agung. Sejauh ini, tim sudah memasang CCTV (kamera pengawas) di sekitar Blanakan guna mengantisipasi adanya konspirasi," tuturnya.

Menurut Aji, tim pengawas saat ini tengah melakukan pendalaman informasi dan bukti-bukti di lapangan terkait pencarian BMKT oleh Michael Hatcher. Untuk itu, dengan dibentuknya tim terpadu ini diharapkan tidak terulang lagi peristiwa pencurian BMKT.Sebelumnya juga terjadi pencurian dalam proses pengangkatan muatan kapal Geldermarsen (milik perusahaan niaga Belan-da/VOC) di perairan Karang Heluputan, Kepulauan Riau, pada 1985-1986. ini juga dilakukan oleh Michael Hatcher.Seperti diketahui, BMKT yang berhasil diangkat berupa 126 batang emas lan-takan dan 160.000 benda keramik peninggalan Dinasti Ming dan Quing senilai 17 juta dolar AS. Barang-barang ini juga sudah dilelang di Christies Amsterdam. Kenyataan ini sangat merugikan negara.

Selain di Kepulauan Riau, pengambilan BMKT secara ilegal juga terjadi di Selat Gelasa, di dekat Pulau Bangka. Ini dilakukan oleh Tilman Walterfang yang nilainya mencapai 40 juta dolar AS dan kemudian dilelang di Balai Lelang Nagel Auction, Jerman.Dugaan awal keterlibatan Hatcher di Blanakan, Subang, berdasarkan video promosi Hatcher yang disebar di AS dan Eropa melalui internet. Dalam video, Hatcher terlihat melakukan penyelaman dan mengambil beberapa keramik di Blanakan.

Sumber : Suara Karya 30 April 2010 hal.7

When is 'Spying on Your Competition' a Complete Waste of Time?

Posted: 01 May 2010 05:06 AM PDT

When is 'Spying on Your Competition' a Complete Waste of Time?
by: Ron Hutton
Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

Your brain screams "Gimme Fast", "Gimme Easy", "Do it for me automatically"! So when you see the headline that reads...

"Imagine Spying On Your Competition To Build A Massive Targeted Keyword List Of 3000 Or More Keywords On Auto-Pilot... In 10 Minutes Or Less And Skyrocket Your Adsense Profits Quickly And Easily"

You think "Hmmmm. Sounds good. Looks intriguing..."

"Never Build Another Keyword List The Slow And Hard Way!"

Gosh. Is it possible?

"You must understand that this is a numbers game."

O.K. Now tell me something not quite so obvious.

The above headlines and subheadlines are quoted directly from a sales letter for a relatively new piece of software (no names will be mentioned here) that's intended to eliminate all the "hard work" of doing keyword research. It sounds exciting. No more tedious keyword research. Yes! I find life is so much more enjoyable when I don't have to engage my brain.

Don't pull out your credit card just yet.

With this particular product there's no need to review the entire sales letter to find out what else the software will do for you. It's all nicely summarized in the very first headline.

The sales letter includes a link to view a nice video presentation demonstrating how the software works, and it certainly appears to do exactly what the author says it will. I have no doubt that the program delivers on all of the promises of the sales letter, but what exactly are you getting?

Let's go back to the headline again...

"Imagine Spying On Your Competition To Build A Massive Targeted Keyword List Of 3000 Or More Keywords On Auto-Pilot... In 10 Minutes Or Less And Skyrocket Your Adsense Profits Quickly And Easily"

Again, I may be tempted to plop down one cool C Note, but what's wrong with this picture?

What doesn't this software tell you?

1) Keyword search frequency.
2) The amount of competition for any keyword.
3) Keyword bid cost in Google Adwords and/or the approximate Adsense value.

When you take the approach of "spying on your competition", be very careful not to give your competition too much credit for having done their homework. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn't.

If you generate a "highly targeted" keyword list of 3,000 keywords and you don't know the search frequency, the amount of competition for any of the keywords, the Adword bid cost or the approximate Adsense value, what do you do from there?

ANSWER: Start over.

Some marketers like to say that Wordtracker is just "So Expensive"! Have you seen the price of a "Value Meal" at McDonald's lately? "SuperSize It" and you've spent about the same amount of money that it would cost to gain access to Wordtracker for a day. As of the writing of this article, a one-day subscription to Wordtracker costs $7.65.

If you've never used Wordtracker before, you can easily learn all of the "how to's" in a few hours by using their tutorials, which are very well done. Now you still have 20 hours to do intelligent keyword research. You'll have the answers to the important questions that you really should be asking, and you'll have spent a whopping $7.65. Now that's an outstanding value.

Just because someone creates a software application that "automates" the work for you doesn't necessarily mean that the information you'll generate is worth anything.

Would you rather have...

- A big fat hairy list of 3,000 keywords with no real useful information about any of them.


- A truly valuable list of keywords with the search frequency and amount of competition for each and every keyword.

Choose the latter.

Begin with the end in mind. Formulate a plan. Think through your entire project and strategize.

When you learn how to use Wordtracker efficiently, you'll be able to research 10 niche markets in a day without breaking a sweat.

When it comes to keyword research, there are some shortcuts that you can take by using services like Wordtracker and even some very good software programs, but don't give in to the temptation to shift the gray matter into idle.

There are effective ways to build content sites and there are other "click a button and build a bazillion page site" methods. The shelf life of the latter is getting shorter every week.

In the words of the great Aretha Franklin, "Think. Thinka-think."

About the author:
Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with a passion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThrive Online", for big juicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings. 17 Free Cool Tools...

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RI kantongi US$13 juta

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 09:04 AM PDT

RI kantongi US$13 juta

Indonesia mengantongi sedikitnya US$13 juta dari transaksi penjualan produk perikanan di European Seafood Exposition (ESE) di Brussel, Belgia, yang berlangsung sejak 23 April 2010 dan ditutup kemarin.

Sejumlah produk perikanan yang diminati konsumen Eropa a.l. tuna segar, tuna kaleng ataupun olahan, serta hasil laut lain, seperti cumi-cumi dan juga Ekspor tuna ke UE tak lagi wajib ujigurita.Dirjen Pemasaran dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan (P2HP) Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Martani Huseini ketika dihubungi Bisnis kemarin mengakui hasil penjualan pada tahun ini meningkat dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu yang tercapai sekitar USS9 juta.

"Memang tercapai US$10,5 juta sampai dengan hari kedua. Semoga bisa mencapai US$13 juta sampai hari ini [kemarin]. Produk yang diminati macam-macam, terutama tuna beku, tetapi ada juga cumi-cumi dan produk lain," ujarnya kemarin.Dalam pameran produk perikanan terbesar di Eropa yang berlangsung sejak 26 April 2010 hingga kemarin, delegasi RImembuka sedikitnya 11 stan yang menawarkan sejumlah hasil perikanan, segar ataupun olahan.

Selain hasil tangkapan, dia menyebutkan beberapa produk hasil budi daya laut ataupun tawar juga diminati. Ikan itu a.l. kakap merah dan bawal bintang yang saat ini sudah dibudi-dayakan dengan metode karamba jaring apung di sejumlah perairan di dalam negeri, seperti di Kepri dan Pulau Seribu.


Sementara itu, dia menyatakan Komisi UE telah menyetujui pencabutan wajib uji logam berat dan residu yang selama ini masih diberlakukan pada ekspor ikan tuna asal RI.Kewajiban tersebut merupakan ketentuan komisi UE, Commission Decision (CD) EU No.236/2006 yang menyatakan produk perikanan laut dan budi daya yang diimpor ke kawasan itu harus melalui uji residu antibiotik, histamin. dan logam berat.

"Per 1 Mei 2010, ekspor tuna kita ke EU sudah tidak perlu wajib uji residu antibiotik, histamin, dan logam berat," tegas Martani.Belum lama ini, Direktur Pemasaran Luar Negeri pada Ditjen P2HP KKP Saut P. Hutagalung mengatakan pencabutan kewajiban itu dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kasus penolakan produk ekspor tuna yang tidak memenuhi syarat keamananmutu yang diberlakukan UE.

Pencabutan kewajiban ini, lanjut Saut, akan sangat meringankan pelaku usaha yang selama ini harus menanggung biaya penahanan di pelabuhan masuk, biaya uji per parameter logam berat, sewa tempat di pelabuhan. listrik, serta biaya inspeksi yang mencapai US$1,000 per kontainer.Ekspor tuna dan cakalang nasional ke UE sendiri senllai US$50 juta dengan volume 17.000 ton pada 2009. UE merupakan pangsa pasar ketiga setelah Jepang yang menyerap US$130 juta dan US$70 juta. Sementara, total ekspor tuna/caka-lang Indonesia ke dunia sebanyak US$360 juta, (apriko-hemonda g bisnis, co. id)

Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia 30 April 2010,hal.i7

Are Fish Oil Tablets Good for Your Health? – Why Some of Them are Not

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 08:11 AM PDT

Are Fish Oil Tablets Good for Your Health? – Why Some of Them are Not
by: Laurel Cohen

Are fish oil tablets good for your health or not? Recent news reports seem to indicate that some of them are not. Here's why.

The health benefits of increasing your omega-3 intake may be numerous. But, the risks could outweigh the benefits if PCBs, mercury or other toxins are present in the food or the dietary supplement.

PCB exposure can cause cancer, liver damage and birth defects. Mercury is a poisonous heavy metal that can cause hair loss, skin problems, muscle weakness and kidney damage.

Industrial activity and coal-fired electrical plants are the most common cause of environmental contamination. The most common cause of mercury poisoning is eating contaminated fish.

To date, there are no known cases caused by taking contaminated fish oil tablets. But, people who consume a lot of seafood and also take the supplements could be at an increased risk.

When it comes to PCBs, safe exposure limits have been established. Recent independent testing has revealed that some brands contain amounts that greatly exceed that limit.

For that reason, litigation concerning excessive PCB content is currently underway in the state of California. That's what all the news stories have been about.

I won't mention any brand names here, since the litigation is still ongoing. The defendants of the case were mentioned in the article, but it really doesn't matter. There are ways to make sure that you are always getting the highest quality supplements.

The better manufacturers post a copy of their COA (Certificate of Analysis) on their websites. Batch testing for contaminants is not required by law.

Most companies avoid testing, because they have to pay a licensed laboratory to conduct the tests. That can be expensive. So, you can expect to pay just a little more for fish oil tablets that have been tested.

You can also protect yourself by finding out what species was used to create the supplement. Some species are more likely to contain mercury and/or PCBs. Larger species are an example, although small filter or cleaner species like the menhaden are known to contain high levels of PCBs.

Some companies do not list this information on the label, even though it is an important consideration. Not only is it important for your health, but also for the health of the environment.

Over-fishing in the Chesapeake Bay of Virginia and other areas has resulted in ocean "dead zones", areas where the oxygen content is too low to support life. One of the largest suppliers of fish oil tablets in the US is guilty of using the menhaden, which helps to keep O2 levels stable by cleaning toxins out of the water.

If you choose a good brand, taking a supplement is the most affordable and the safest way to increase your omega-3 intake. Other factors to consider include the total omega-3 content included and the total DHA content. Just because the capsule contains 1000mg of oils does not mean that you are getting 1000mg of omega-3s.

I take fish oil tablets every day, without worry. You can, too, as long as you choose the right brand.

About The Author
Laurel Cohen is a strong advocate of natural health in all its forms: skin care, supplementation, and farm fresh foods. She enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily. Visit her site to learn about the omega 3 fish oils Laurel uses daily for optimal health.

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