Saturday, October 16, 2010

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

Pet Tech releases PetSaver pet first aid iPhone app

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 05:30 PM PDT

Pet first aid iPhone app. The PetSaver iPhone app by Pet Tech helps dog and cat owners with pet first aid and pet careThe PetSaver iPhone app, by Pet Tech CPR, First Aid & Care for Your Pets, was released today, and I love it!

I talked with Thom Somes (aka The Pet Safety Guy), founder of Pet Tech, earlier today about the app and some of the features. As a pet owner and Pet Tech instructor, I’m always looking for ways to keep my pets safe, so I was thrilled when I heard he was putting together a pet first aid app. After having some time to use it, I want to encourage every pet person (who has the right device) to get the app. I don’t see how anybody could get it and not learn something from it. Between the first aid topics and the prevention info, there’s a lot in the app to help keep your pets safe.

From the iTunes description:

The PetSaver App is the premiere reference and educational tool for all pet lovers and Pet Care Professionals. It includes easy to follow step-by-step instructions for CPR, first aid skills and daily care information for dogs and cats. There is a separate section for dogs and a separate section for cats with specific information for each type of animal.

With a push of a button and a swipe of your finger you can have access to your pet's vital health information. This includes ICE (In Case of Emergency), a first aid kit checklist, emergency pet help locator, and administering medications just to name a few.

The CPR & First Aid Section includes 12 procedures from CPR, Heat and Cold Injuries, Choking, Snake Bite, Shock, Bleeding Protocols and more.

You can also access a comprehensive list of poisonous items that can be hazardous to your pets. To make it easier the items are organized by category (Plants, Household Items & Food). Each category lists the item and includes a description, full-color picture, signs and symptoms and actions for survival. This information can mean the difference between life and death.

Listen to our call here:

The PetSaver app is something you can have at your fingertips, not only to help in emergencies, but to help prevent injuries. As we talk about on the call, the app isn’t meant to be a substitute for taking a hands-on class, but it is an important tool for pet owners regardless. I hope you’ll go get one.

Get the app!

The PetSaver app is $4.99 and you can download it from iTunes. When you start the program for the first time, you’ll be prompted to enter a code. Use the code lovemypet (aff).

After you download it, please come back and let me know if you like it as much as I do!

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