Durian grows optimally at an altitude of 50-600 m above sea level, light intensity 40-50%, with a temperature of 22-30 0C, ideal rainfall 1500-2500 mm per year. Suitable land, fertile sandy loam and lots of organic matter content, and pH 6-7.
Select a fertile seeds, fresh, healthy, leaves many, stem robust, free of pests & diseases, 2-4 branching direction and there are new shoots
The opening should be on dry land. Clear weeds and other weeds and crops that interfere with the entry of sunlight. Sloping land should be made terraces. Create drainage channels.
General spacing of 8 x 12 m or 10 x 10 m
Large-scale outdoor plant protector is absolutely necessary, for example lamtoro, turi, Gliricidia, sengon or papaya. Cover crops planted after land preparation.
Planting Hole
Make the planting hole the size of 50 cm2. Separate the top soil with the bottom and leave for 2 weeks. Top soil mixed with manure mature 20 kg + 5 g + 10 kg GLIO Natural Dolomite until blended as planting media, and insert the mixture into the planting hole and allow 1 week before the seed is planted.
The ideal planting at the beginning of the rainy season. Dig a planting hole that contains a mixture of appropriate planting medium seed size. Take the seed and open the plastic wrapper carefully ground. Planted seedlings without roots include limited neck stem. Pour enough water after planting. It would be better SUPERNASA plus organic fertilizer dose of 1 bottle to ± 200 plants. 1 bottle SUPERNASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor and then pour any tree or SUPERNASA pour 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water per tree.
Watering done since the beginning of growth until the plants start producing. At the time of flowering, watering reduced. Watering is best early morning.
Crop of water shoots, branches or twigs that have died of disease and pests, as well as branches that are not exposed to sunlight. When the plant reaches a certain height of 4-5 m, crop tops trimmed.
Not all flowers can be a durian fruit because the flowers bloom in the afternoon till night so not many insect pollinators. In addition, not all durian flowers appear simultaneously, whereas pollination successful if pollen and the stigma must be cooked simultaneously. Therefore, artificial pollination needs to be done, how to brush soft brush on the flowers bloom at night. To maximize the quality and quantity, preferably in one area of cultivation is not only one type of specific varieties, but mixed with other varieties.
Selection of fruit after 5 cm in diameter. Leave two best fruit, fruit ideal distance from one another about 30 cm. Durian fruit for the first time should be kept one or two items of fruit. To prevent loss of fruit after the fruit was 10 days since formed, even better if given the macro NPK fertilizer (0.5 to 1 kg / tree) plus NUTRION POWER (1 bottle for 30-50 trees).
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