Trend ‘back to nature’ in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, food and soft drinks, has spurred increased demand for ginseng. The high demand needs to be balanced with crop cultivation technologies that meet the aspect (Quantity, Quality and Sustainability).
- Preference will be given in open areas. Loose soil, high organic matter content, good aeration and drainage.
- Acidity (pH) of soil from 5.5 to 7.2.
- Rainfall 1000 – 2500 mm / yr.
- Temperature range 20 º C – 33 º C.
- Humidity 70% – 90%.
- Elevation range from 0-1600 asl.
- Prepare Natural GLIO (10 packs / ha) mixed with ripe manure (25-50 kg / pack). Store in an open bag for 1-2 weeks.
- Sprinkle dolomite / agricultural lime (2-4 tons / ha) on land that is still open at least 2 weeks before planting.
- Plow and harrow immediately after dolomite disseminated. Let stand about 1 week.
- Make beds stretching east-west direction, wide bed 100-120 cm, 40-60 cm tall. The distance between beds 40-50 cm. Let stand about 1 week.
- Create a moat around the area 40-50 cm wide, the depth of 50-60 cm.
- After 1 week, create a fertile soil for seedbed surface sufficiently.
- Sprinkle the mix Natural GLIO and manure evenly on the soil surface.
- Add cooked manure 20-40 tons / ha evenly on the surface of the beds.
- Prepare a manure mother liquor (1 bottle / 3 liter of water), stirring until dissolved. Manure doses 5 bottles / ha if the use of manure according to recommended dosage or 10 bottles / ha if it does not use manure. From the mother liquor manure or 3,000 cc 3 liters, taken 200-300 cc mixed with 0.25 kg of NPK compound and then dissolved or diluted in 50 liters of water.
- From the 50 liters of the pour on the surface of beds, how to use gembor 10 liters / ± 8 m long beds. Or 200-300 cc / hole.
- Sprinkle the mix Natural GLIO and manure evenly on the surface of the beds. Or in each planting hole.
Breeding and agronomy
- Preference will be given to use seed from stem cuttings.
- Use healthy parent plants, indicated no signs of pests and diseases, age is not too young and too old, fresh and not wilted, bright color / gloss.
- Seed the cutting recess / stored in a humid for 2-4 days.
- Before planting, the base of the seedling is cut tilted ± 45 ° using a knife sharp and clean.
- Base of seeds soaked 20-30 minutes in a solution of the NASA POC (1-2 ttp) + HORMONIK (0.5 to 1 ttp) + Natural GLIO 1-2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.
- Seeds are dried and dipasi ± 1-2 hours.
- Planting done late afternoon, spacing of 50 x 60 cm or 60 x 70 cm.
The supply of water should not be excessive or flaws. Age 0-21 DAP (days after planting) watered every day to taste. From the age of ± 100 HST watering reduced or terminated.

If necessary, up to 15 HST.
Fertilization aftershocks:
Pour water solution of fertilizer: NPK compound 0.25 kg + 50 liters of water. Give 200-300 cc / planting hole once every 2 weeks until the age of 100 HST.
Spraying fertilizer through the leaves was performed 1 week to 100 days after planting, use 3-5 cap NASA POC + 1-2 HORMONIK lid of the tank 14 or 17 liters.
Watering, turn the soil
Conducted simultaneously every 2 weeks, especially at the age of 14-65 days after planting.
Usually active at night, and need to be aware of its existence. Control by the way are collected and destroyed.
Many types of worm that attacks on ginseng mainly armyworm (Spodoptera sp.), Leaf roller caterpillar (Lamprosema sp.), And other caterpillar species. Control by turning off the caterpillar, spray Vitura or PESTONA and last alternative to chemical insecticides.
Uret / grub
These pests attack the roots of the bulb so that even plants can gradually wither and eventually die. At the time of planting can be sprinkled around the plants a granular insecticide
Neck Stem Rot Disease
The cause fungus Phytium sp. or Sclerotium sp. Usually at the beginning of planting ginseng deterioration caused by excessive soil moisture. Neck stem or base of the stem was colored gray or brown, wet and soft curved inward. This fungus can spread to the tubers, over time the leaves look wilted. Control by way of drainage arrangements, gardens are not muddy and not humid. Since the beginning before planting using Natural GLIO.
Root Rot Disease
The cause fungus Phythopthora sp. Symptoms are initially green leaf turns yellow. Spread over time to cause death. When the plant was lifted in the base of the bulb / stem looks white feathers which later turned into a round-circle and finally become dark brown to black. Control using Natural GLIO before planting, keep the soil moisture and the last alternative to the systemic fungicide
Wilt Disease
Could be due to the fungus Fusarium sp. or Pseudomonas sp. But mostly caused by the fungus Fusarium. At first, leaves yellowing bone, then spread to the leaf stalk and leaves eventually wither. Control by Natural GLIO spread before planting and dip the cuttings before planting into the NASA POC GLIO Natural mixed.
- Ginseng Plants harvested age 4-5 months depending on the growth and condition of the tuber. Characteristics; originally green stems turn red, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall, flowering and remove the seeds, bulbs when didangir already quite large (over 1 cm diameter).
- Harvesting in the morning when conditions sunny, no rain and leaves no longer dewy, dry soil.
- Bulbs are harvested at once by using a fork menggemburkan land to land surface.
- Before the base of the stem tuber crops revoked trimmed and separated from the stems and leaves. Cancellation of the tuber should be careful not to drop out and the tubers left in the soil. Bulbs that have been revoked cleaned and brought into the shade for sorting.
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