Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lu, Your 3/7/2012 FTLTD Blog Digest


Starved and Emaciated, Shine the Beagle-Mix Dog Will Get a Second Chance – VIDEO
 2012-03-06 12:00:30-05

Starved and emaciated, this skin and bones beagle-mix was rescued on Route 88 in Stockton, PA by a Good Samaritan driving by.  Dubbed “Shine” by the Washington Area Humane Society because of his will to live, he weighs only 21-pounds when he should weigh in the neighborhood of 45-pounds.

“Shine is the name because we [...]


You Know You've Been Doing Rescue Too Long When….
 2012-03-06 16:57:44-05

This is a list that many of you will be able to empathize with even if you’re not in rescue so don’t forget to share the humor around so everyone can enjoy… when you stop laughing…

You Know You’ve Been Doing Rescue Too Long When….

You consider pet hair to be one [...]


Memphis Animal Shelter 2009-2012, They're Still Torturing and Abusing! VIDEO
 2012-03-06 22:06:24-05

I written about the horrific conditions at the Memphis Animal Shelter again and again and again and again and yet here I am writing about MAS once more because they are still torturing and abusing helpless animals!!  Video from February of this year has come to light showing images that are just painful to watch!




Deanna Raeke

Deanna Raeke
Dog Lover & Proud Pet Parent

I am passionate when it comes to my canine companions as well as dogs everywhere. It is my mission to raise awareness of any issues that affect them, from their health, food and nutrition and training to their welfare. Canine advocacy is something that everyone who cares about dogs needs to be aware of and we all need to share that and raise our voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

For the Love of the Dog is my small effort to do that.
Please, won't you help me!

4590 138th Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, USA

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