Friday, October 29, 2010

Animals Zoo Park

Animals Zoo Park

Cute Baby Animals 18, Baby Animals Cute Pictures Gallery

Posted: 17 Oct 2010 09:36 AM PDT

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Saturday, October 16, 2010



Pengumuman Kesempatan Pelatihan Intensif Kewirausahaan Agribisnis Ikan Air Tawar dan Agribisnis Peternakan

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 06:34 AM PDT


Pemda Provinsi Jawa Barat bekerjasama dengan IPB akan menyelenggarakan "Pelatihan Intensif Kewirausahaan Agribisnis Ikan Air Tawar dan Agribisnis Peternakan".

Pelatihan bertujuan untuk membekali Pemuda Jawa Barat dengan dasar pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mendorong kemandirian usaha agribisnis.

Pelatihan akan dilaksanakan pada 31 Oktober - 12 Desember 2010 di Bogor. Seluruh biaya pelatihan (akomodasi, penginapan, transportasi) ditanggung oleh pihak penyelenggara.

Bagi pemuda Jawa Barat yang berminat untuk mengikuti pelatihan tersebut bisa mendaftar ke Dinas Peternakan/Perikanan di wilayah masing-masing Kabupaten/Kota se-Jawa Barat.

Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 7-20 Oktober 2010.
Syarat pendaftaran :
- Mengisi Form Pendaftaran
- Laki-laki usia 18-35 tahun
- Lulusan SMA/MA
- Copy KTP (1 lembar) dan copy ijazah SMA/MA (1 lembar)
- Pas foto berwarna ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 4 bush
- CV / Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Bersedia menekuni bidang pelatihan yang di ikuti setelah pelatihan selesai

Demikian pengumuman ini disampaikan, agar bisa dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Keterangan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi

Sie.Produksi Budidaya
Bidang Perikanan Budidaya
Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Provinsi Jawa Barat

I. Dede Hermawan S.Pi (08122370069)
2. Ir. Wardini Mulatsari (081540829720)

sumber : Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2010

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

Pet Tech releases PetSaver pet first aid iPhone app

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 05:30 PM PDT

Pet first aid iPhone app. The PetSaver iPhone app by Pet Tech helps dog and cat owners with pet first aid and pet careThe PetSaver iPhone app, by Pet Tech CPR, First Aid & Care for Your Pets, was released today, and I love it!

I talked with Thom Somes (aka The Pet Safety Guy), founder of Pet Tech, earlier today about the app and some of the features. As a pet owner and Pet Tech instructor, I’m always looking for ways to keep my pets safe, so I was thrilled when I heard he was putting together a pet first aid app. After having some time to use it, I want to encourage every pet person (who has the right device) to get the app. I don’t see how anybody could get it and not learn something from it. Between the first aid topics and the prevention info, there’s a lot in the app to help keep your pets safe.

From the iTunes description:

The PetSaver App is the premiere reference and educational tool for all pet lovers and Pet Care Professionals. It includes easy to follow step-by-step instructions for CPR, first aid skills and daily care information for dogs and cats. There is a separate section for dogs and a separate section for cats with specific information for each type of animal.

With a push of a button and a swipe of your finger you can have access to your pet's vital health information. This includes ICE (In Case of Emergency), a first aid kit checklist, emergency pet help locator, and administering medications just to name a few.

The CPR & First Aid Section includes 12 procedures from CPR, Heat and Cold Injuries, Choking, Snake Bite, Shock, Bleeding Protocols and more.

You can also access a comprehensive list of poisonous items that can be hazardous to your pets. To make it easier the items are organized by category (Plants, Household Items & Food). Each category lists the item and includes a description, full-color picture, signs and symptoms and actions for survival. This information can mean the difference between life and death.

Listen to our call here:

The PetSaver app is something you can have at your fingertips, not only to help in emergencies, but to help prevent injuries. As we talk about on the call, the app isn’t meant to be a substitute for taking a hands-on class, but it is an important tool for pet owners regardless. I hope you’ll go get one.

Get the app!

The PetSaver app is $4.99 and you can download it from iTunes. When you start the program for the first time, you’ll be prompted to enter a code. Use the code lovemypet (aff).

After you download it, please come back and let me know if you like it as much as I do!

Update from Melvin!

Update from Melvin!

The "Pet" Room

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 08:10 AM PDT

Melvin, Zoey, and Delmer all have their very own room in the house.  Yes... Their OWN room.  We're working on getting some kitty furniture and such in it, but for now, they have some boxes and a bunch of toys (as well as their stink boxes).  Please pardon the laser eyes, as I don't currently have my computer to fix the pictures.  So here they are... Raw and uncut... The fuzzballs and their very

Friday, October 15, 2010



Budidaya Ikan Hias : Palmeri Tetra

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 04:07 PM PDT

Palmeri Tetra

Palmeri Tetra yang juga disebut Emperor Tetra atau ikan kaisar (Nematobrycon palmeri) berasal dari Kolombia, Amerika Selatan. Hidupnya di perairan tenang pada kolom air dan bersifat omnivora.

Ikan ini sangat berkawan sehingga dapat dipajang bersama ikan lain. Hidupnya berkelompok. Lingkungan hidupnya bersuhu optimal antara 23-25° C. Keasaman (pH) airnya sedikit asam sekitar 6,5-6,8. Sementara kekerasannya 8° dH.

Punggung ikan ini mengilat, cokelat, dan ke arah depan agak hitam. Sirip ekor memanjang dan meruncing agak melengkung. Sirip ekor pada jantan bercabang tiga, sedangkan pada betina hanya bercabang dua. Dari pangkal mata hingga ujung ekor terdapat garis horisontal tebal. Di atas garis berwarna kebiruan, sedangkan di bawah garis kemerahan.

Untuk pemijahan, ikan ini dipasangkan masing-masing satu pasangan setiap akuarium sehingga wadahnya pun kecil. Sebagai sarangnya dapat digunakan enceng gondok atau mop dari raffia. Induknya harus sudah berumur lebih dari tujuh bulan. Agar kualitas telurnya bagus, diusahakan pakannya bervariasi, yaitu kutu air besar, jentik nyamuk, dan sedikit cacing sutera. Air untuk pemijahan berketinggian sekitar 15 cm.

Selain hanya berpasangan, pemijahan pun dapat dilakukan secara masal dalam akuarium besar. Perbandingan jantan betina sekitar 1 : 2-3. Di dalam akuarium pun tetap diberi substrat atau sarang dari mop raffia.

Setelah berpijah, telur ataupun induknya dipindahkan dari wadah. Air untuk penetasan cukup sekitar 10 cm dengan aerasi lembut. Agar tingkat penetasan telurnya tinggi, ke dalam wadah penetasan diberi obat antijamur seperti metil biru.

Bila perawatannya baik, telur akan menetas dalam waktu 36 jam. Larva yang baru menetas tersebut dapat diberi pakan infusoria selama 2-3 hari untuk selanjutnya dapat diberi kutu air. Larva ini sudah mulai bisa berenang setelah berumur empat hari. Untuk pembesarannya, benih dipindahkan ke akuarium yang lebih besar sesudah berumur satu bulan. Kalaupun masih tetap menggunakan akuarium untuk pembesaran, kepadatannya perlu dikurangi dengan cara penjarangan.

Pakannya dapat berupa cacing sutera. Bila menggunakan akuarium, penggantian air harus dilakukan setiap hari. Sementara kalau menggunakan kolam, penggantian airnya dilakukan setiap tiga hari sekali. Jumlah air yang diganti cukup sepertiga hingga separonya. Biasanya dalam jangka waktu dua bulan ikan sudah bisa dipanen dengan ukuran 2,5 cm.

sumber : Darti S.L dan Iwan D. Penebar Swadaya, 2006

Skin and Gill Flukes in Tropical Fish

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 08:50 AM PDT

Skin and Gill Flukes in Tropical Fish
by: Nate Jamieson

While parasites of various types are often responsible for fish rubbing themselves against objects in the tank, sometimes to the point of causing raw skin, it can be difficult to identify which parasite it is, unless you have a very good visual of it.

In the case of skin fluke, which is a parasitic flatworm, they are unlikely to show themselves to the extent where you would be able to remove them manually as you can with leeches or fish lice. One of the common denominators they have with other parasite infections, is they can cause redness of skin, but so can rubbing against stones and wood. However, skin fluke also causes a fading of color, and because the treatment is common to other types of parasites, you are best to go with a general medication, such as Droncit or formalin baths, when unsure whether it is skin fluke or not. Remove severely affected fish to a hospital tank.

The standard treatments of adding 1 tbs. of aquarium salt to a daily change of water in the home aquarium, and raising the tank temperature by four degrees also applies. This is used for most parasites, including gill fluke, which has more obvious and visual symptoms.

Gill fluke is a worm that specifically attacks the gill membranes, causing them to turn red and acquire a coating of slime that makes it difficult to breathe. Fish will hang at the water's surface, gasp, and lose weight rapidly. The same tank treatments as skin fluke can be used, but with gill fluke, removing to a hospital tank and adding short baths in either formalin, salt or ammonium hydroxide to the regimen will help kill what is on the fish, and you can then treat their environment.

About The Author

Nate Jamieson

Love Tropical Fish? Find out how to create a beautiful, low-cost tropical fish aquarium with complimentary tips at

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The PetsitUSA Blog

The PetsitUSA Blog

Book Review and Giveaway: A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 07:05 AM PDT

I A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameronwas a little surprised at how much I liked A Dog’s Purpose (aff). The thing is, I normally don’t like books or movies that feature talking animals. (Cartoons and some animated movies are sometimes an exception.)

I had picked the book up in the bookstore and put it back down after I realized it was written from a dog’s point of view. I had made up my mind I wouldn’t like it. But when I was asked if I’d like a copy to review, I said OK, and decided I’d give it a chance. I’m glad I did!

This isn’t the typical cutesy talking dog story with a dog who wears frilly dog cloths, dines on gourmet food from a silver platter, and thinks and acts more like a human than a dog. Instead, this dog actually admits to liking stinky things, enjoys ripping stuff to shreds, and doesn’t always understand what his people are talking about. And, what’s more, and what makes the book so easy to get into, is that this dog is on a quest to find a purpose in life. As he is reincarnated through several lifetimes, you’ll meet the people and circumstances that teach him about life and why he has come back so many times.

Through a dog’s eyes, you’ll meet different types of dog people in this book, and each of them will affect you in a different way. In the end though I know this book will touch your heart, make you love your dog more than ever, and maybe even make you think about your purpose in life. And if you’re like me, you’ll want your dogs by you side as you read!

Would you like to read it?

If so, be sure to leave a comment below telling us what makes your favorite dog so special. Then, on October 30 I’ll pick a winner, who will receive the book. Be sure to read the rules here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Nilai Ekspor Ikan Hias Bakal Naik 10%

Posted: 12 Oct 2010 08:48 AM PDT

Nilai Ekspor Ikan Hias Bakal Naik 10%

JAKARTA. Bisnis ikan hias memang menggiurkan. Pasarnya bukan hanya di dalam negeri, tetapi juga ekspor. Bahkan, permintaan dari pasar ekspor naik setiap tahun. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) memprediksi, nilai ekspor ikan hias tahun ini akan naik 10% dari USS 10 juta tahun 2009 menjadi sekitar USS 11 juta di tahun ini.

Direktur Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya KKP Made L. Nunana mengatakan, peningkatan ekspor ikan hias tersebut terutama karena naiknya permintaan ikan arwana dan cloumfish alias ikan nemo.

Kenaikan tersebut membuat market share atau pangsa pasar ikan hias Indonesia tahun ini naik dari 7,5% menjadi 7,8%-8% dari pasar ikan hias dunia. Sejauh ini, pemain utama perdagangan ikan hias di dunia adalah Singapura. Negara berwilayah imut ini menggenggam pangsa pasar 25%. Pemain besar berikutnya adalah China, Jepang, dan Thailand.

Tahun 2008 silam, nilai ekspor ikan hias Indonesia USS 8,3 juta, naik 13,7% dibanding 2007 sebesar US-S 7,3 juta. "Permintaan ikan hias di dalam dan luar negeri sangat tinggi karena ikan jadi hiburan bagi masyarakat kota," terang Made kepada KONTAN.

Sayang, prestasi Indonesia belum mampu mengimbangi kenaikan ekspor hias dari sejumlah negara lain yang lebih pesat. Keterbatasan sentra budidaya dan promosi jadi penyebab utama lambatnya kenaikan itu.

Sejauh ini, Indonesia mengekspor sebagian besar ikan hias ke Singapura Porsi ekspor ikan hias ke Negeri Mer-lion ini mencapai 20%. Lalu. 15% China dan 65% menyebar ke Hong Kong, Malaysia, Jepang, Uni Eropa, Korea Selatan, dan Amerika Serikat

Adapun ikan hias yang men-jadi unggulan Indonesia, antara lain arwana jenis Super Red. Ikan ini bisa dijual Rp 7 juta -Rp 8 juta per ekor. Lalu, arwana jenis Golden Red yang dilego Rp 3 juta- Rp 4 juta per ekor. Harga ikan ekspor bisadua kali harga lokal.

Selain arwana, ikan hias lain yang sedang naik daun adalah cloumfish yang dibanderol Rp 10.000-Rp 25.000 per ekor. Lantaran harganya murah, permintaan dari Malaysia, Jepang dan Eropa cukup tinggi

Jenis ikan yang diminati tahun ini memang berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Tahun lalu, para pembeli banyak kepincutikan koi ikan perot dan ikan cupang. Harga ikan koi bervariasi antara Rp 150.000 hingga ratusan juta rupiah per ekor. Sementara ikan perot dibanderol Rp 50.000-Rp 150.000 per ekor dan ikan cupang Rp 25.000-Rp 200.000 per ekor.

Incan Maulana, pemasok tanaman laut dan ikan hias ke Eropa bercerita, tahun ini, ekspor ikan hias memang lebih ramai ketimbang tahun lalu. Ia bahkan memperkirakan, ekspor kali ini bisa naik hingga 15%.

Memang, ekspor ikan hias ke Eropa sempat turun selama periode Mei-Agustus lalu. Ini lantaran Eropa memasuki musim panas. Pada musim tersebut banyak orang Eropa berlibur sehingga tidak belanja ikan hias. Tapi selain bulan itu, ekspor stabil dan bahkan naik," katanya.

Menurut dia, ikan yang paling digemari adalah arwana dan nemo. Incan yakin, tahun depan, popularitas nemo akan menggu guli arwana dan mem-buat ekspor ikan hias naik 20% ketimbang tahun ini

Senada, Ari Wahyuni, Koordinator Pembenihan Ikan Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut (BPBL) Lampung, mengatakan, ini permintaan cloumfish memang tinggi Sayang, budidaya cloumfish tidak bisa memenuhi permintaan yang banyak datang dari Malaysia itu. Alhasil, BPBL Lampung hanya mampu memasok ikan hias untuk keperluan lokal khususnya Jakarta.

Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad sebelumnya mengungkapkan, potensi budidaya ikan hias di Indonesia mencapai 1,5-1,6 miliar ekor per tahun.

Pengembangan pemasaran ikan hias kita bisa melalui tiga upaya. Pertama, mengembangkan pusat pemasaran dan pengembangan ikan hias seperti di Cibinong, Jawa Barat /foduajnenyelenggarakan pameran dan bursa ikan hias. Ketiga, memfasilitasi promosi pengusaha ikan hias.

Sumber: Harian Kontan, 12 Oktober 2010 Hal. 15

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Animals Zoo Park

Animals Zoo Park

Wild Animals, Wild Animals Pictures and Photos

Posted: 12 Oct 2010 11:26 AM PDT

Monday, October 11, 2010

Animals Zoo Park

Animals Zoo Park

Amazing Photography Contest Galleries PIctures from National Geographic 2010

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 10:35 AM PDT

Sunday, October 10, 2010

World’s Best Places To Live

Posted: 10 Oct 2010 12:04 AM PDT

Melbourne, Australia

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Although the answer likely varies from person to person, there are several universal factors that make any spot a great place to live. To get a sense of the best places to call home, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) assembles annual rankings of 140 major cities worldwide based on which have the most ideal living conditions.

The rankings are based on over 30 qualitative and quantitative factors across five categories: stability, health care, culture/environment, education and infrastructure. The EIU tasks analysts and in-city contributors to assess qualitative indicators, while using a relative gauge for quantitative factors. The EIU found that for most cities, livability has been unaffected by the recession, as most factors – such as infrastructure and crime levels – have not shifted.

Each city is given an overall livability rating that is weighted between 1-100, with 100 being ideal living conditions and 1 considered intolerable. Each individual category factors into the overall ranking on weighted basis.

So where are the world’s best cities to live? Click ahead to find out!

By Paul Toscano
Posted 4 May 2010

10. Auckland, New Zealand
Overall Livability Rating: 95.7

Stability: 95
Health Care: 95.8
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 92.9
Culture & Environment: 97

9. (Tied) Adelaide, Australia
Overall Livability Rating: 95.9

Stability: 95
Health Care: 100
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 92.9
Culture & Environment: 94.2

8. (Tied) Perth, Australia
Overall Livability Rating: 95.9

Stability: 95
Health Care: 100
Education: 88.7
Infrastructure: 100
Culture & Environment: 100

7. Sydney, Australia
Overall Livability Rating: 96.1

Stability: 90
Health Care: 100
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 100
Culture & Environment: 94.4

6. Helsinki, Finland
Overall Livability Rating: 96.2

Stability: 100
Health Care: 100
Education: 91.7
Infrastructure: 96.4
Culture & Environment: 91

5. Calgary, Canada
Overall Livability Rating: 96.6

Stability: 100
Health Care: 100
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 96.4
Culture & Environment: 89.1

4. Toronto, Canada
Overall Livability Rating: 97.2

Stability: 100
Health Care: 100
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 89.3
Culture & Environment: 97.2

3. Melbourne, Australia
Overall Livability Rating: 97.5

Stability: 95
Health Care: 100
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 100
Culture & Environment: 95.1

2. Vienna, Austria
Overall Livability Rating: 97.9

Stability: 95
Health Care: 100
Education: 96.5
Infrastructure: 100
Culture & Environment: 100

1. Vancouver, Canada
Overall Livability Rating: 98.0

Stability: 95
Health Care: 100
Education: 100
Infrastructure: 96.4
Culture & Environment: 100





Posted: 09 Oct 2010 08:40 PM PDT


1. Fillet: Fish cut side fishbone
2. Dressed: a piece of fish with head and fins (entrails, scales and gills removed)
3. STEAK: Fish is cut crossing of dressed fish
4. GUTTED: Fish intact with all the discarded entrails


Posted: 09 Oct 2010 07:04 PM PDT


Memasak ikan secara sehat dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut :
1. Dipanggang:
Ikan disayat dangkal di bagian badan ikan. Taruh di piring dan tutup dengan alumunium foil. Tambahkan dengan rasa bumbu-bumbu herbal, perasan lemon dan minyak ziatun dan panggang pada suhu sekitar 180 derajat Celcius.

2. Ditumis/goreng dengan sedikit minyak
Goreng ikan dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak atau mentega di dalam wajan dan goreng dengan api sedang.

3. Dibakar
Ikan disayat miring untuk membantu panas menembus daging. Tempatkan ikan di tempat bakaran panas.

4. Direbus
Tempatkan ikan di panci yang telah panas, tetapi untuk ikan utuh harus ditempatkan di panci yang dingin baru kemudian dipanaskan pelan-pelan.

5. Dikukus
Kukus ikan diatas panci yang dibawahnya berisi air mendidih.

Sumber : Warta Pasar Ikan Edisi September 2009, No. 73


Posted: 09 Oct 2010 06:36 PM PDT


1. FILLET : Ikan dipotong disisi tulang ikan
2. DRESSED : potongan ikan dengan kepala dan sirip (isi perut, sisik dan insang dibuang)
3. STEAK : Ikan dipotong menyilang dari ikan dressed
4. GUTTED : Ikan utuh dengan seluruh isi perut dibuang

Sumber : Warta Pasar Ikan Edisi September 2009, No. 73